2022 Insights on the eGovernance Platforms and Services Industry - Blockchain to Streamline Governance Activities

Dublin, July 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "eGovernance Platforms and Services Growth Opportunities" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

Rapid urbanization is triggering a strategic necessity to upgrade existing city infrastructure and move toward a more agile administration model. Traditional governance techniques require gradual transformation to cater to citizens' evolving requirements faster and more effectively. A digitized governance model not only helps create better solutions for citizens, but also facilitates efficient bi-directional communication, in which citizens have a say on infrastructural issues and what administrators need to do to resolve them.

An eGovernance model goes beyond just upgrading basic citizen facilities or services; rather, it cultivates a more collaborative ecosystem among public organizations, private entities, educational institutions, and citizens at the ground level. All parties come together to brainstorm reformative ideas and work toward uplifting socioeconomic infrastructure. Hence, this operational model is bound to incur massive financial investments from public and private firms, which leads to mass employment opportunities for residents and an economic boom in the specific region.

Growth in demand for personalized citizen services compels administrators to transition to a digitized operations model. The idea mostly revolves around customizing and enhancing the end-to-end citizen experience of a given public service platform. This will improve overall service quality, foster greater citizen engagement, and ultimately multiply citizen trust in public offices.

Information transfer over electronic media empowers administrators to gain critical insights about their citizens, which helps create a development blueprint for the future. Advances in emerging technologies like Big Data, advanced analytics, cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and blockchain allow administrators to improve their operational efficiency, minimize redundant tasks, and focus on the critical aspects of governance.

For example, about 60% of the global population is expected to dwell in urban areas by 2030, and two out of every six citizens will be above the age of 60. This implies that the existing healthcare infrastructure may no longer be able to cater to the growing demands, prompting a steep rise in investment toward automating the healthcare sector through the introduction of advanced technologies like AI, Big Data, ML, NLP, and telehealth. A digital governance model will gradually transform a city into a smart city infrastructure where advanced technologies constantly penetrate and monitor a city's behavior across all verticals, viz., finance, utility, healthcare, education, energy, and mobility.

While many European nations and the United States embrace a digital administrative framework, Asian sub-continent countries and most African regions struggle to transition from existing practices mainly due to the lack of regulatory reforms, resistance arising from populist mindsets, and low internet penetration rates (especially in Sub-Saharan Africa).

The study examines how governments can transform citizens' lives and develop more transparent and efficient operational mechanisms through the adoption of advanced technologies. There is a surge in ICT investments specifically targeted toward enhancing a government's capabilities across multiple developed nations. Citizen-friendly governments will likely quickly transition from traditional approaches to a more proactive stance by investing in technology, bringing about tangible differences in citizens' lives and creating opportunities for financial growth.

Key Issues Addressed

  • What are the key components of an eGovernance model?
  • What are the disruptive technologies that will help administrators transition to an eGovernance model?
  • What will eGovernance look like in 2030?
  • What are the guidelines for an eGovernance model to be effective?
  • What are the best practices across various countries/cities?
  • How will high urbanization and the growth of megacities trigger a need for eGovernance?
  • What are the perceived challenges of eGovernance?

Key Topics Covered:

1. Strategic Imperatives

2. Executive Dashboard

  • Mega Trend Universe - eGovernance Platforms
  • Main Findings
  • Growth Opportunities Essential to Future Success

3. Strategic Context

  • The Future of the eGovernance Ecosystem
  • Evolution of eGovernance
  • eGovernance Service Model - 2030
  • Core Components of eGovernance
  • eGovernance - Utility Scope
  • eGovernance - The Need Imperative
  • Strategic Guidelines for eGovernance
  • Robust Data Principles - A Mandate for eGovernance
  • Strategic Enablers for eGovernance
  • The eGovernment Development Index (EGDI) by Economy
  • Digital ID - A Pivot in Effective eGovernance
  • Case Studies - Alberta Digital ID Platform
  • Case Study - Estonia X-Road Digital Initiative
  • Case Studies - Japan's Digital Government Plans
  • Rise in Megacities - Calling for Smart Governance
  • High Urbanization - A Trigger for eGovernance
  • Cybersecurity - The Pivot for eGovernance
  • Cybersecurity - An Urbanization Perspective
  • eGovernance - Degree of Automation vs Impact Matrix
  • eGovernance's Perceived Challenges
  • Key Trend Opportunity Levers
  • Trend Opportunity - Attractiveness Analysis

4. Future of eGovernance - Technology Perspectives

  • Trend Opportunity - Core Technologies in eGovernance
  • Biometrics
  • AI and ML
  • Blockchain
  • Cloud Computing

5. Trend Impact Analysis

  • Trend Opportunity Impact and Certainty Analysis
  • Trend Opportunity Disruption Index
  • Disruption Attractiveness Score
  • Trend Opportunity Growth Index
  • Growth Attractiveness Score
  • Trends BEETS Implications

6. Growth Opportunity Analysis

  • Growth Opportunity 1 - Smart City Initiatives Driving E-Governance
  • Growth Opportunity 2 - Blockchain to Streamline Governance Activities
  • Growth Opportunity 3 - Workplace Upskilling to Drive eGovernance
  • Critical Success Factors for Growth
  • Conclusion - The Way Forward

7. Appendix

8. Next Steps

9. List of Exhibits

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/f4tyy7



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