Pitzer College and UNITE HERE Local 11 Announcement

Claremont, Calif., Aug. 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pitzer College and UNITE HERE Local 11 are pleased to announce that they have achieved an agreement regarding the fair, appropriate and efficient process to be followed to allow the non-supervisory Dining and Facilities staff employed by Pitzer College to determine whether they wish to designate UNITE HERE Local 11 as their exclusive bargaining representative. The will of the majority will decide.    

Pitzer College will take a neutral approach to union organizing. Pitzer College will not be involved in the staff determination, believing that it is best to leave Pitzer staff members to confer with whomever they deem appropriate – friends, family, coworkers, Local 11, etc., and to do their own research.

Pitzer College and Local 11 wish the non-supervisory Dining and Facilities staff employed by Pitzer College the best as they consider how they wish to proceed.

