Dublin, Aug. 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Investigation Report on China's Infliximab Market 2022-2031" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
According to this market research, since Infliximab entered the Chinese market in 2007, its sales have had an increasing trend. However, the sales in China are suboptimal compared to global sales.
The main reason is that most patients in China cannot afford the expensive price. After Infliximab was included in the national medical insurance in 2019, the sales increased about 18.9% in 2020 and reached CNY335.89 million in 2021. The CAGR of infliximab's sales value in China is approximately 19.0% from 2017 to 2021.
Infliximab was developed by Johnson & Johnson. In 2007, Infliximab entered the Chinese market. The Chinese infliximab market is completely dominated by Janssen, a Johnson & Johnson company, until 2021. Two local Chinese companies, Taizhou Mabtech Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Hisun Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. are launching infliximab in 2021, making Janssen's infliximab a challenge in the Chinese market.
Infliximab is a human-mouse chimeric IgG1 monoclonal antibody targeting tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a) (composed of human IgG1 constant region and mouse variable region). It is used to treat a variety of autoimmune diseases, including Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis.
According to this market research and expert interviews, the analyst sees different trends in 2022 and from 2023 to 2026 in China's infliximab market.
Sales volume and value of infliximab in China are expected to decline in 2022 as the Chinese government implements a strict ''COVID-19 dynamic zeroing'' policy that will prevent many healthcare facilities in China from operating normally.
It is expected that the Chinese government will relax the COVID-19 control policy from early 2023 onwards, and thus the sales volume and sales value of infliximab in China will show a recovery growth from 2023-2026.
Topics Covered:
- The impact of COVID-19 on China's Infliximab market
- Sales value of China's Infliximab 2017-2021
- Competitive landscape of China's Infliximab market
- Prices of Infliximab in China
- Prices of Infliximab in China by regions and manufacturers
- Analysis on factors affecting the development of China's Infliximab market
- Prospect of China's Infliximab market from 2022 to 2026
Key Topics Covered:
1 Relevant Concepts of Infliximab
1.1 Indications for Infliximab
1.2 Development of Infliximab in China
1.3 Governmental Approval of Infliximab in China
1.4 The Impact of COVID-19 on Infliximab sales in China
2 Sales of Infliximab in China, 2017-2021
2.1 Sales Value of Infliximab
2.1.1 Overall Sales Value
2.1.2 Sales Value by Region
2.2 Sales Volume of Infliximab
2.2.1 Overall Sales Volume
2.2.2 Sales Volume by Regions
2.3 Sales of Infliximab by Dosage Form in China, 2017-2021
2.3.1 Injection
2.3.2 Analysis of Other Dosage Forms
3 Analysis of Major Infliximab Manufacturers in China, 2017-2021
3.1 Analysis of Market Share of Major Infliximab Manufacturers
3.1.1 Investigation on Market Share by Sales Value
3.1.2 Investigation on Market Share by Sales volume
3.2 Janssen Biologics BV
3.2.1 Enterprise Profile
3.2.2 Sales of REMICADE (Janssen's Infliximab) in China
4 Prices of Infliximab for Different Manufacturers in China, 2021-2022
4.1 Janssen Biologics BV (REMICADE)
5 Prospect of Chinese Infliximab drug Market, 2022-2031
5.1 Influential Factors of Chinese Infliximab Market Development
5.1.1 The Impact of COVID-19 on Chinese Infliximab Market
5.1.2 Market Drivers and Opportunities
5.1.3 Market Threats and Challenges
5.2 Forecast on Market Size
5.3 Forecast on Market Trend
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/g9sftz