Dental Marketing Guy Announces New SEO Strategy for Dentists

San Luis Obispo, Aug. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- San Luis Obispo, California -

Dental Marketing Guy is excited to announce a new SEO service for dentists. The service includes a comprehensive review of the dentist's website, as well as an analysis of the competition and a plan of action to help the dentist's website rank higher in search engine results pages. This new approach uses the latest techniques and strategies to improve a dentist’s website ranking on search engines. The analysis includes over 2000 potential ranking factors. This results in more traffic to the website and more patients.

Dentists have long been looking for new and innovative ways to market their services in order to attract new patients. In the past, this has generally meant traditional methods such as print advertising, word-of-mouth marketing, and referrals from other dentists. However, in the last decade or so a new form of marketing has emerged that is proving to be very effective for dentists - internet marketing.

More people than ever are looking for a dentist online. The majority of these people only look at the top 3 search results. That's where SEO comes in. It can help a website rank higher in search engine results pages, which means more people will visit the website and might become patients. In fact, dentists who use SEO techniques see an average increase of 20% in web traffic. SEO can also help target new markets and grow a dental practice beyond its current locality. Almost half of all dental patients do online research before making an appointment with a dentist.

97% of all businesses use the internet to market their products and services. According to a study by the American Dental Association, about half of all dentists are looking to grow their practice in the next five years. Additionally, internet marketing and SEO are becoming increasingly important for dentists, as more and more patients are finding dental care online.

Dental Marketing Guy is a reliable source of information and support for dentists looking to improve their online presence and grow their business through SEO. Their focus on SEO specifically tailored to meet the needs of dentists has been proven to be effective, and they are dedicated to helping their clients achieve their goals. They have a team of experts who are passionate about SEO and know everything there is to know about it, as well as keeping up with the latest trends so they can always provide the best possible service. Additionally, Dental Marketing Guy is one of few SEO companies that focus exclusively on dental SEO which gives them unique understanding of market an unmatched service potentials.

"Dental Marketing Guy is the first and only dental marketing company that uses over 2000 correlative SEO factors to assess what to do next in SEO for dentists," according to founder Justin Morgan.

Dental Marketing Guy Announces New SEO Strategy for Dentists

Dental Marketing Guy is a company that provides SEO and web design services for dentists. They offer a variety of packages and services, each designed to help dentists get the most out of their online presence. Their team is made up of experts in the field of SEO, and they use only the latest and most effective techniques to help their clients achieve better rankings in search engines. They also provide other marketing services such as website design, social media management, and PPC advertising.


For more information about Dental Marketing Guy, contact the company here:

Dental Marketing Guy
Justin Morgan
(805) 996-0304

