TORONTO, Sept. 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- When the Milton-area Robert family raised funds for a life-changing robotic gait training device for their son Mitch, it was just the first step in what has become such a special story.
“This is our differently-abled superhero kiddo, Mitch,” said Kelley Robert, mom of Mitch in a video talking about the impact of the Trexo Robotic Gait Trainer.
Mitchell was born with an undiagnosed rare genetic disorder. “We have had genetic testing that always comes back inconclusive because he doesn't fit a previously diagnosed disorder,” shares Mitch’s dad Marc. As a result, “He needs supportive devices to be able to make it through the world.”
After an overwhelmingly successful fundraiser where they exceeded their goal, Mitchell got his Trexo. Being upright and walking has improved his health. Access to explore his environment in a way he never could before, has allowed Mitch to really be a participant in his own life, whether that’s at school or at the cottage. This summer, Mitch completed his first triathlon, using his Trexo, an adaptable bike and the help of his Dad for the swimming.
The Trexo team has been excitedly keeping track of Mitch’s progress, eager to celebrate this milestone. Mitch is the first child in the Trexo community to reach one million steps.
“We are so proud of Mitch and thrilled to be included in the family celebration of his millionth step,” said Trexo Robotics co-founder and CEO Manmeet Maggu. “When Marc discovered the Trexo, he was looking for a way to help his son. He ended up helping so many more kiddos. We brought Marc on as our Customer Success Manager. He’s been an incredible resource and source of support for many families and kiddos in the Trexo community,” Maggu went on to share.
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About Trexo Robotics
Motivated by his nephew, who had Cerebral Palsy and was not expected to walk, Manmeet Maggu and his friend Rahul Udasi co-founded Trexo Robotics. “There was nothing out there for kids, and everyone wants to see their kids walk. As a Mechatronics engineer, I am probably the best person to build this,” said Maggu. Children with various disabilities that impact their mobility can benefit from getting upright and walking in the Trexo. Earlier in 2022, the children in the Trexo community collectively reached 20 million steps – the equivalent of a walk around the world.
Media is welcome at the million-step celebration. Contact Jennifer Horowitz for information.
For more information contact:
Jennifer Horowitz