DALLAS, Sept. 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lexipol, the leader in policy, training, and wellness support for first responders and public servants, recently announced a partnership with Dallas Cowboys Quarterback Dak Prescott’s Faith Fight Finish Foundation to bring community and youth engagement training to law enforcement agencies across the country.
The Faith Fight Finish foundation’s mission includes efforts to bridge the gap between community youth and law enforcement. The partnership with Lexipol will bring the foundation’s “Connecting Youth & Communities with Law Enforcement (CYCLE)” program to law enforcement agencies and communities across the country for free. Developed by Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, a membership organization of Council for a Strong America, CYCLE is endorsed by the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) and certified by the International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards & Training (IADLEST). Through the Faith Fight Finish Foundation’s partnership with Lexipol, the course will be offered online and will include several hours of built-in training, as well as a section dedicated to community resources.
“Faith Fight Finish is a foundation that’s close to home in both geography and mission with one of its core purposes aligning with Lexipol’s goal in supporting law enforcement operations and community engagement,” said Lexipol CEO Chuck Corbin. “Improving police-community relations starts with education, so we are excited to have the opportunity to work with Faith Fight Finish to develop and distribute this important training.”
Lexipol’s learning management system (LMS) provides access to the highest quality online resources available to public safety professionals across the country, including engaging and relevant courses, tools to schedule in-person trainings, and advanced reporting capabilities. This partnership incorporates the existing infrastructure of Lexipol’s LMS to deliver training that supports the mission of both Lexipol and the Faith Fight Finish foundation.
“We believe the more law enforcement professionals and community members have conversations, the better and safer police interactions will be for young people,” said Dak Prescott. “We know we can bridge the gap between law enforcement and the communities they serve with Lexipol. Lexipol will allow us to reach law enforcement agencies across the country to implement the CYCLE training into as many communities as possible!”
Learn more about Faith Fight Finish and Lexipol’s learning academies.
About Lexipol
Lexipol empowers first responders and public servants to best meet the needs of their residents safely and responsibly. We are the experts in policy, training and wellness support, committed to improving the quality of life for all community members. Our solutions include state-specific policies, online learning, behavioral health resources, grant assistance, and news and information offered through the websites Police1, FireRescue1, EMS1, Corrections1 and Gov1. Lexipol serves more than 2 million public safety professionals in over 10,000 agencies and municipalities. For additional information, visit www.lexipol.com.
Lexipol Media Contact:
Shannon Pieper
Sr. Director, Marketing Content