Los Angeles, California, United States, Sept. 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Ethereum 2.0 merger is just around the corner. Basically we are talking about the merger that will take place between the two Ethereum networks, and that will end the possibility of mining it using GPUs.
The Ethereum final Merge date has been scheduled for September 15/16th and 3 days later, exactly from 19th September to 3rd October 2022, the Spanish crypto token “Pesetas” (PTAS) will be presented officially on crypto market with a Presale and an Airdrop.
The PTAS presale and airdrop page is actually in a countdown mode and it will be start working only from day 19th September.
The PTAS minimum purchasing order is 10 USD dollars and from over 100 USD dollars the buyer will receive also an extra 10% airdrop of PTA token.
For more information, this is the direct link of PTAS presale page: https://www.pinksale.finance/launchpad/0xD87D241213a7d72CB5C3CD06E074396aDBE61Cb3?chain=ETH
PTAS presale comes with an innovative idea: add a second token airdrop (PTA) to its launchpad.
So, every PTAS buyer during the presale participates in 2 crypto projects but investing only in one.
Now it is time to speak a while about the story of Spanish Pesetas:
On October 19th, 1868, the peseta (PTA & PTAS) was born in Spain as a monetary unit by decree of the Spanish Provisional Government after the overthrow of Queen Elizabeth II.
The peseta (PTA & PTAS) has been the official currency in Spain for 134 years until in 2002 it gave way to Euro. On December 31st, 2020, it ceased to be exchanged for Euro and as of mid-2021 it ceased to exist completely.
On December 17th, 2021 the Spanish foundation “La Peseta” (www.peseta.finance) launched in CoinMarketCap its first cryptocurrency: La Peseta (PTA), a token created on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network, which reached 120,000% of its value in just 3 days of Trading. (That means: whoever put in 10 USD, withdrew 12,000 USD at its peak.)
The Pesetas tokens, PTA and PTAS, are traded with zero fees. So, they are perfect to be used for any kind of transactions.
Do not miss the opportunity to invest some money in PTAS and PTA crypto tokens (but remember: never invest more than you can lose). Over time, probably, its use will become massive and these 2 tokens will also become a refuge for great world capitals, as it happens today with many other renowned cryptocurrencies.
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For the original news story, please visit https://www.prdistribution.com/news/the-spanish-pesetas-ptas-token-arrives-at-ethereum/9281082