Innovative Solutions to America’s Homelessness Crisis and Disaster Response Efforts Come to National Mall

Pallet demonstrates its innovative shelter villages, powered by Sesame Solar Nanogrids, on the National Mall during National Preparedness Month

WASHINGTON, DC, Sept. 13, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pallet, a public benefit corporation focused on ending unsheltered homelessness and strengthening our nation’s disaster response system, and Sesame Solar, the maker of the world’s first 100% renewable mobile Nanogrid to provide clean, off-grid power after a natural disaster, are hosting a multi-day event from September 12 - 14 on the National Mall demonstrating their innovative disaster preparedness solutions. The demonstration is taking place in conjunction with National Preparedness Month.

For this demonstration, Pallet built a rapid deployment village with 9 total shelters including 8 sleeping cabins and a 100 square foot office cabin. Sesame Solar’s mobile renewable Nanogrids are powering the shelters for the demonstration. Together, Pallet and Sesame Solar are demonstrating an innovative approach to disaster response that can be established within hours at the site of a disaster such as the recent flooding in Kentucky or wildfires in California to provide critical infrastructure for emergency responders and provide shelter to those facing evacuation or loss of their homes.

“Earlier this year, I saw firsthand how local stakeholders are helping to house people in Pallet shelters and provide critical services to community members at Everett Gospel Mission,” said U.S. Representative Rick Larsen (WA). “Congress must continue to invest in solutions like Pallets to Housing that local leaders and stakeholders identify as critical to tackling the housing crisis.”

“From wildfires to flash flooding, the climate crisis has already arrived in Colorado,” said U.S. Representative Jason Crow (CO). “We increasingly need a reliable and effective approach to rapidly shelter survivors of natural disasters. I have seen Pallet shelters used effectively in Aurora as transitional shelters for individuals experiencing homelessness and I look forward to seeing how Pallet’s community-based model will help folks during times of need like natural disasters.”

Everett, WA-based Pallet has built nearly 100 interim and transitional communities across the U.S. to provide safe, dignified shelter in response to the nation’s ongoing homeless emergency. With ever-increasing disastrous weather events, increasing homelessness, and nearly 9,400 undocumented immigrants being bused to Washington, D.C., it is crucial that our communities are prepared to rapidly shelter vulnerable populations in safe, accessible communities that are easy and cost-effective to build. 

“National Preparedness Month is the right time to take stock of our national disaster response, in particular how we shelter those who have suddenly lost their homes,” said Amy King, CEO and Founder of Pallet. “Pallet’s shelter villages offer a way to quickly get people housed during one of the most disruptive periods of their lives. We stand ready to work with FEMA and other disaster response agencies and organizations to rapidly house those in desperate need of temporary shelter.”

Based in Jackson, MI, Sesame Solar Nanogrids are powered by solar and green hydrogen to generate clean, reliable, off-grid power in <15 minutes for communities impacted by a natural disaster. Sesame Solar’s solution has been used by the US Air Force, Comcast and Cox Communications for various use cases including medical centers, communications hubs, charging stations and more. To see Sesame Solar in action, watch these YouTube videos.

“As natural disasters become more frequent and communities are left without power, it’s essential that response strategies no longer depend on diesel generators,” said Lauren Flanagan, CEO of Sesame Solar. “It’s an honor to bring our Nanogrids to the National Mall alongside Pallet and demonstrate how mobile, clean energy can power a more sustainable approach to disaster relief.”

The demonstration village will be open through 6 p.m. on Wednesday, September 14. It is located near the intersection of 3rd St. and Madison St. NW. The village is open to the public.

About Pallet:

Pallet is a Public Benefit Corporation working to end unsheltered homelessness, provide rapid shelter to those displaced by disaster, and give people a fair chance at employment. Our transitional shelter villages help bridge the gap from living on the street to finding permanent housing. Find out more at

About Sesame Solar:

Sesame Solar makes the world's first 100% renewable mobile Nanogrid powered by solar and green hydrogen to bring power to communities in <15 minutes after disaster strikes. A sustainable alternative to diesel generators, a Sesame Nanogrid can be used to power a medical center, communications hub, charging station, clean water station and more. Find out more at 



Shelter village demonstration on the National Mall Temporary housing solution displayed on National Mall
