Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The second-largest syndicated talk radio show in America is celebrating its 30th year on the air. “The Ramsey Show” has helped millions of listeners by giving practical answers to callers’ questions about money, careers, relationships and mental wellness.
The three debt-free screams that happen on every episode of “The Ramsey Show” best express the life change listeners create for themselves by following the Ramsey way. On average, people who do debt-free screams have paid off $158,577 in debt. In 2021 alone, the cumulative amount of debt paid off by those who did a debt-free scream on the air was over $54 million.
“I always want listeners to come away with a sense of power over their situation,” said Dave Ramsey, host of “The Ramsey Show” and the CEO of Ramsey Solutions. “Over three decades of taking calls, I’ve watched millions of people get out of debt, find jobs they love, have healthier marriages, become millionaires, and ultimately live better, more peaceful lives. That’s what the show is about — providing REAL hope.”
“The Ramsey Show” began with Dave sharing financial advice on a few local radio stations. Now, a variety of Ramsey Personalities co-host with Dave and give advice in every area of life on more than 600 radio stations. Through YouTube, podcast and radio, the show reaches over 18 million listeners every week.
Listeners can tune in to “The Ramsey Show” on weekdays for guidance from money experts Dave Ramsey, Rachel Cruze, George Kamel and Kristina Ellis, as well as mental health expert Dr. John Delony and career expert Ken Coleman. To learn more, go to
About Ramsey Solutions
Ramsey Solutions exists for the people outside its walls and empowers them in the areas of money, business, leadership, careers and mental wellness. Through its multimedia platforms, Ramsey Solutions shares life-changing content with millions of people every day. Ramsey Solutions’ products and world-class speakers and authors bring hope to people in every stage of life. The 1,100 Ramsey Solutions team members are committed to applying biblically based principles to work that matters. For more information, visit