Waddell Phillips Professional Corporation, Peter Grant Law, and Diane Soroka Avocate Inc. - Band Reparations Trial Adjourned to Allow for Completion of Settlement Negotiations

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Representative Plaintiffs of the Band Reparations Class Action, shíshálh Nation and Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc, have announced today the adjournment of the Band Reparations trial to allow for the completion of settlement discussions with Canada. Canada and the Representative Plaintiffs are currently working on the specifics of a Settlement Agreement that would resolve the claims of the Band Class. The Class Action is regarding collective harm suffered by Indigenous communities as a result of Canada’s role in the Indian residential school system.

Because this is a class action, any proposed Settlement Agreement will not be finalized until it is approved by the Federal Court after a Settlement Approval Hearing, which will not be heard for a few months.

The next steps are as follows:

  • Over the next few weeks, Canada and the Representative Plaintiffs will engage in continued negotiations regarding the terms of a proposed Settlement Agreement.
  • If a proposed Settlement Agreement is reached, the Representative Plaintiffs will provide notice of the full details of the proposed Settlement Agreement to all 326 Class Members and the public.
  • If a proposed Settlement Agreement is reached, the Federal Court will hold a Settlement Approval Hearing to decide whether the proposed Settlement Agreement is fair, reasonable and in the best interests of the Class. At the Settlement Approval Hearing, the 326 Band Class members will have the opportunity to express their views regarding the proposed settlement.

For more information, please contact lawyers for the Band Class at bandclass@waddellphillips.ca, or by calling 1-888-370-1045.
