SINGAPORE, Sept. 26, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Notadvise.Financial, created by eToro Elite Pro Popular Investor, Zechariah Zheng (eToro: Fundmanagerzech), and a former CTO & Solutions architect, Sam Wong, aims to bring clarity and transparency to the financial market by verifying the accounts of creators, influencers, "gurus" and course instructors in the space, with access to an API and using Soulbound tokens.
With Notadvise.Financial, investors will be able to determine which creator or influencer is actually making money with skin-in-the-game and who is just selling their courses. It does so by verifying the balance and performance in the financial "influencers'' brokerage accounts. It aims to create a safe haven for social media users looking for reliable accounts, trustworthy information and good honest advice.
"I have seen many 'gurus' try their hand on eToro, and because it's impossible to lie about your investment performance, most fail," says Zechariah Zheng, co-founder and one of only nine Elite Pro Popular Investors, the highest tier on eToro's program for the top and most experienced investors. The eToro program boasts over 2,500 Popular Investors globally.
The incentives to become an influencer in the crypto and financial sector have grown exponentially. According to the 2022 Influencer Marketing Report, the industry has grown from $1.7 Billion in 2016 to $16.4 Billion in 2022*. This has attracted a lot of fraudsters, impostors and fake gurus into the financial and crypto content industry.
Built on the Polygon Network, "creators can submit their read-only API credentials to Notadvise.Financial and selected information will be encoded into a Soulbound token and anyone is able to see their results," says Sam Wong, the co-founder and tech lead in the project.
Notadvise.Financial is going to be supporting various integrations to start with, including Binance and Interactive Brokers for the Beta. "We will be extending the number of integrations soon but we would like to Beta Test on current platforms for feedback," says David Lew, Head of Operations.
Creators looking to get verified can go to and join our discord.
Alternatively, any questions about the platform or company can be sent to
*The State of Influencer Marketing 2022: Benchmark Report - Influencer Marketing Hub
Contact Information:
Zechariah Zheng
Co-Founder Notadvise.Financial
Related Files
Notadvise Financial team left to right Sam Wong, Zechariah Zheng and David Lew.png
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Image 1: Verifying Creators Soulbound Tokens
Notadvise.Financial Soulbound tokens to verify creators
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