Sogeclair: Availability of the 2021 URD

Blagnac, 30 September 2022

Availability of the 2021 Universal Registration Document
including the Annual Financial Report

The SOGECLAIR Universal Registration Document for fiscal year ending December 31, 2021 has been filed with the French Financial Markets Authority (AMF) on April 15, 2022 under the number D.22-0301.

The Universal Registration Document including the 2021 Annual Financial Report also includes:

  • The annual management report,
  • The 2021 annual financial statements and the 2021 consolidated financial statements;
  • The statutory auditors' reports on the 2021 annual financial statements, on the 2021 consolidated financial statements and on regulated agreements;
  • The report on corporate governance;
  • The non-financial performance statement, as well as the related review report;
  • Information relating to the next Combined General Meeting of Shareholders on May 12, 2022.

The Universal Registration Document can be consulted on the following websites:

It is also available to the public, free of charge and on request:

  • At the Company's registered office located at 07 avenue Albert Durand - 31703 BLAGNAC Cedex.

Next announcement: turnover for Q3 2022, on November 2nd 2022 after closing of the Stock Market

A propos de SOGECLAIR
Fournisseur de solutions innovantes à forte valeur ajoutée pour une mobilité plus sobre et plus sûre, Sogeclair apporte ses compétences en ingénierie et fabrication de haute qualité aux secteurs de pointe : aéronautique, aérospatial, automobile, ferroviaire et défense. Accompagnant ses clients et partenaires depuis la conception et la simulation jusqu’à la fin de vie du produit, à travers toute la chaîne de fabrication et la mise en service, les collaborateurs sont répartis dans le monde entier afin d’offrir un support de qualité et de proximité à tous ses clients.
SOGECLAIR est cotée sur Euronext Paris – Compartiment C – Indice Euronext® Family Business -Code ISIN : FR0000065864 (Reuters SCLR.PA – Bloomberg SOG.FP)
Contacts : Philippe ROBARDEY, PDG de SOGECLAIR / Olivier PEDRON, DGA de SOGECLAIR / / +33(0)5 61 71 70 33
Contact presse : Louise-Marie Thabard  / Communication SOGECLAIR / / +336 75 95 12 20


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SOGECLAIR-Cp Availability of the 2021 URD