NEW YORK, NY, Oct. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Violet, the first-ever cultural competence credentialing, upskilling, and care coordination platform for clinicians, released today a new white paper showing the results of using a framework for standardizing and measuring cultural competence in clinicians. The framework was piloted with behavioral health providers and garnered a 90% retention rate, almost 3x the industry standard. Developed by academic researchers at Violet, the paper explains the need for standardization of cultural competence and why the previous lack of this standardization is a barrier to better care.
The full white paper can be accessed through the Violet website and this link, but some key findings include:
- 89.7% patient retention on day 60 of care; 55% higher than rates frequently cited for mental health services
- On average, patients missed less than a single session across one year of services, with the majority of patients attending all scheduled sessions
The results of the study support the feasibility and utility of credentialing cultural competence in clinicians and provide evidence of benefit in both patient–and clinician–level outcomes. The framework itself takes into account several factors resulting in a cultural competence benchmark, including work and lived experience, education, self-efficacy, and more.
As a proof of concept for the application and benefits of identity-centered credentialing and care routing, Violet offered a pilot platform matching clinicians with patients. In the pilet, Violet recruited mental health clinicians and matched with a socioeconomically diverse group of mental health service-seeking patients with a broad range of clinical and identity intersectionality-related needs, which allowed Violet to a) test a framework for cultural competence in clinicians and b) create a care coordination model for what identity-centered care can achieve.
“My hope in creating and studying this approach to benchmarking cultural competence is to ensure that we advance past treatment as usual, and work to incorporate patient identity and lived experience as part of treatment paradigms and planning,” said Head of Clinical Kay Nikiforova. “It’s promising to see the results of this pilot and we plan to continue adding to this body of research as we partner with new organizations working to bring better care to their patients.”
By 2045, over half of Americans will be diverse with race, sexual orientation, gender identity, and more. Yet, health care is failing these Americans. Racial disparities alone have led to 3.5M life years lost in just 2020. Violet’s team—a group of mission-driven queer, BIPOC, and Disabled individuals—believes the solution is at the clinician level, thereby improving health outcomes and saving almost $100B in excess care spend.
Since its pilot in 2020, Violet now offers a continuing education platform built on the initial concept and research, and upskills and credentials clinicians in cultural competence for better patient outcomes. Today, the platform is trusted by leading health orgs, including Brightline, Galileo, Parsley Health, Headway, Octave, and NOCD to launch identity-centered care for their patients. Violet’s customers are continuing to prove the power of inclusive care with improved patient health outcomes.
Learn more about Violet powering inclusive care at
About Violet:
Violet is the first healthtech platform to offer cultural competence credentialing, upskilling, and care coordination for clinicians. Research shows that inclusive care is proven to generate better health outcomes and Violet’s credentialing platform is the first step to building health equity for all. For more information about Violet, please visit:
- New Study From Healthtech Platform Violet Reveals 3x Patient Retention Rate After Clinicians Use First-Ever Cultural Competence Framework
- New Study From Healthtech Platform Violet Reveals 3x Patient Retention Rate After Clinicians Use First-Ever Cultural Competence Framework