CBI: Future Rave, the new label launched by David Guetta and Morten, is teaming up with AlphaVerse to develop a metaverse dedicated to the new music genre created by these world-renowned DJs and music producers

Future Rave, the new label launched by David Guetta and Morten, is teaming up with AlphaVerse to develop a metaverse dedicated to the new music genre created by these world-renowned DJs and music producers

  • David Guetta and Morten will deploy their new Future Rave label in the metaverse
  • A new universe will be created within AlphaVerse, CBI’s metaverse, for sharing, finding new artists, creating and exchanging with the community
  • This project is supported by Blockchain Artists Agency (BAA), the blockchain talent management agency

CRYPTO BLOCKCHAIN INDUSTRIES (CBI, Euronext Growth Paris: FR0014007LW0, ALCBI) is today announcing an agreement with Future Rave, the music label co-founded by David Guetta and Morten, the world-renowned DJs and music producers, to develop a dedicated universe for the new music genre created by this duo. Future Rave will offer concert and entertainment experiences, creation tools and various NFTs, and will lead a community within the metaverse around this new genre.

Future Rave is a music genre created through a collaboration between these two world-renowned DJs that offers a more underground approach to electronic dance music and has attracted a large community of fans and new creators. Thanks to AlphaVerse, Future Rave will harness the blockchain to create innovative experiences around music and support the development of new sounds and the emergence of new artists. The universe will include free-access forums for exchanging, streaming tracks and concerts, and NFTs to offer exclusive experiences, as well as community management and content creation tools. One of this world’s objectives will be to identify new artists who will be able to share tracks within the community, and this metaverse will contain previously unreleased and exclusive tracks.

The Future Rave universe will offer a permanent platform for this new music genre, which is very popular both within the metaverse and in the real world. This initiative will help develop this new sound and its culture in order to continue pushing the limits and exploring all the opportunities that electronic music has to offer.

The project bringing together Future Rave and AlphaVerse is brought by Blockchain Artists Agency (BAA), a talent agency that is 50% owned by CBI in partnership with Jean-Charles Carre and Michael Wiesenfeld. This talent representation agency, specialized in marketing and managing talents and brands within the world of the blockchain, NFTs and metaverses, supports its clients - sports professionals and artists - to showcase their projects and rights and create value in the blockchain arena.

Following Beat AlphaVerse, in partnership with United at Home, the charity initiative supported by David Guetta, Xave, the music platform currently being acquired by CBI, and Rave Age (rave music), this is the fourth dedicated music universe developed by CBI, each with a specific focus.

Learn more at https://alphaverse.com

The realisation of projects, as well as their operational budget and financing plan, remain fundamentally subject to uncertainties, and the non-realisation of the underlying assumptions may have a significant impact on the value of assets and liabilities.


CRYPTO BLOCKCHAIN INDUSTRIES (“CBI”) is a French company that develops, operates and invests in video games, business applications and selected projects relating to the blockchain, non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”) and cryptocurrencies. Founded by Frédéric Chesnais, a renowned gaming industry entrepreneur and blockchain pioneer, CBI aims to develop and unlock value from a portfolio of blockchain activities across multiple industries (video games, finance, logistics, etc.) with a view to capitalizing on this technology, either directly or through partnerships. CBI has already made several investments and is currently launching AlphaVerse, a blockchain technology-based virtual world, or metaverse. CBI shares are listed on the E2 compartment (Public offer) of the Euronext Growth Paris stock exchange. Learn more at www.cbicorp.io.


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Atout Capital
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Maisie Mouret
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A talent representation agency specializing in marketing & leveraging talents and brands within the world of NFTs and metaverses. BAA team is made of dedicated, service-oriented, and creative individuals striving to maximize its clients' exposure and revenues within the world of NFTs and Virtual worlds (aka. Metaverse) BAA team members have an out-of-the-box mindset, and an unmatched experience in the video game and entertainment industry, representing athletes and artists alike. www.baa.agency.


Over the past few years, world-renowned DJ & producer David Guetta and Danish phenomenon MORTEN created a brand-new dance music culture by unleashing their pioneering 'Future Rave' sound. Emerging from their desire to play something new in their sets, the inventive genre reflects their vision on the future of electronic dance music: fresh and innovative. Both David & MORTEN are heavily inspired by the underground, and they have made it their trademark to bring sounds and formats from the underground and present it to the masses. With Future Rave, the duo is bringing the best elements of both the EDM and underground scenes together, while keeping the cutting-edge sound ever-evolving. Future Rave builds bridges between the energy and the hooks of EDM, the futuristic sounds of techno and the emotion of trance and (future) house. Supported by the entire industry, DJs worldwide are loving this new era in dance music and bring the hard-hitting sound to their sets. Future Rave isn't just a sound, it brought a wave of new energy to the DJ community and created an entirely new culture amongst fans of electronic dance music.


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