Sogeclair: Turnover over the first 9 months as of September 30th 2022: +13.3% à €99.6M

Turnover over the first 9 months as of September 30th 2022: +13.3% à €99.6M
At constants exchange rate and perimeter*: +9.8%

SOGECLAIR, supplier of innovative solutions with high added value for a safer and less-consuming mobility announces today its turnover over the first 9 months ended 30 September 2022.

* The change variations over the period represent2.7M against € -1.6M in 2021.
The scope variations over the period represent €-0.4M.

The ONE SOGECLAIR strategic plan for a more premium, more attractive and more transversal repositioning has led to the implementation of the new organization on 1st January 2022. For the 3rd consecutive quarter, SOGECLAIR is presenting its turnover according to this new organization. The 2021 comparison is pro-forma.
With a 3rd quarter at +11.3%, this is the 6th consecutive quarter of increased turnover. Commercial aviation (33.2% of turnover) confirms its strong rebound at +40.9%, automotive (9.7% of turnover) starts again with +6.4%, business aviation (39.7% of turnover) remains dynamic with +4.4% and rail (8.3% of turnover) is stable.

By Business UnitTurnover (€M)
9 months 2022
Turnover (€M)
9 months 2021**
(as %)

At constants exchange rate and perimeter



At constants exchange rate and perimeter




Differences are due to rounding.

**The turnover over the first 9 months as of September 30th 2021 is reported on a pro-forma basis

The Engineering Business Unit - support activity for manufacturers in the development of their products, processes and product life cycle - (53.7% of turnover) increases by 12.5% over 9 months, including 12.3% in the 3rd quarter, driven by the strong rebound in commercial aviation. As a reminder, SOGECLAIR has won the EMES3 referencing from Airbus (all entities) for a period of 5 years from 2022 to 2027, has obtained the Diamond supplier label for Bombardier Aerospace and has won new contracts for the cabin of the A220 and for the ES-30 electrically propelled aircraft from Heart Aerospace.

The Solutions Business Unit - equipment manufacturer activity - (45.8% of turnover) grows by 13.1% over 9 months, including 8.7% in the third quarter. It progresses in the aeronautical and rail segments, and sees the automotive sector recover at +6.4%.
UTAC has joined the capital of AVSimulation (a subsidiary of SOGECLAIR) with a 15% stake in order to accelerate the development of vehicle tests in a virtual environment. After this operation, Oktal (Sogeclair) still holds 55.25%, Dassault Systèmes 15%, UTAC 15% and Renault Group 14.75% of AVSimulation.

The Conseil Business Unit - auditing, consulting and optimization of technologies and processes - (0.5% of turnover): the activy continues to win new orders in the aeronautics and space sectors in France and Canada.

By geographical area

9 months turnover 2022
Impact on Turnover
(as %)

(as %)
Rest of the world0.50.5%-6.7%

Differences are due to rounding.

International turnover increases by 11.6% over 9 months, representing 47.1% of total turnover. In the third quarter alone, all regions grow by €3,265k, with only the rest of the world (Africa and South America) declining by 6.7% or €3k over the period.


The implementation of the ONE SOGECLAIR plan, the evolution and reinforcement of the organization will support the growth capacity to reach €250M of activity in 2030.

The dynamics of the markets allow us to confirm the objective of a 2-digit growth in turnover in 2022.

Next announcement: turnover for Q4 2022 on February 01st 2023 after closing of the Stock Market

About Sogeclair
Supplier of innovative, high added-value solutions for safer and more efficient mobility, SOGECLAIR brings its skills in high-quality engineering and production to a broad range of cutting-edge sectors, notably aeronautics, space, vehicle, rail and defense. Supporting its customers and partners from the design and simulation stages through to the end of the product’s lifetime, all along the production chain through to entry into service, the collaborators are working worldwide to offer a high-quality, proximity service to all its customers.
SOGECLAIR is listed on Euronext Paris – Compartment C – Indice Euronext® Family Business -Code ISIN: FR0000065864 / (Reuters SCLR.PA – Bloomberg SOG.FP)
Contacts: Philippe ROBARDEY, President & CEO / Olivier PEDRON, Operating Chief Officer / +33(0)5 61 71 70 33
Press contact: Louise-Marie Thabard / SOGECLAIR Communication / / +336 75 95 12 20


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