How to Keep Homes Pest Free this Holiday Season

Etobicoke, Nov. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TORONTO, ON November 14, 2022 – With holiday decorating in full swing, Abell Pest Control wants to remind homeowners to inspect Christmas trees, wreaths, and other holiday fresh plants for signs of pest activity. Pests lurking on branches can make their way into homes during the holiday season.

 “There is always a risk of pests getting into homes when bringing in a real greenery,” said John Abell, President, Abell Pest Control. “Taking a few extra minutes while you’re at the tree farm to inspect for pests such as spiders, mites, ,aphids  and other insects will save you the stress of dealing with uninvited guests.”

By taking a few simple preventative steps homeowners can ensure their homes stay pest-free this holiday season.

  • Inspect all live greenery, that includes trees, wreaths, and potted plants, before purchasing.  If you see any insects, look for something else. 
  • Buy your Christmas tree at a farm that uses a mechanical tree shaker.
  • If unsure if the Christmas tree was shaken, place a white sheet on the ground outside and shake the tree over it.  If you notice any pests on the sheet, return the tree for another.  Don’t forget to shake off your white sheet before bringing it inside! 
  • Inspect the greenery once again with your flashlight before taking it indoors.
  • When it’s time to dispose of the tree, do not place it near your home, as this can attract rodents and other pests.  Check with your local municipality because live greenery and trees can be composted. 

“While the majority of Christmas trees and greenery do not have bugs,” says Abell. “Some will make it indoors.”

Common pests known to nest in live greens are spiders, mites, moths, flies, and beetles. 

Abell Pest Control is a North American leader in pest control, hygiene, and disinfection services offering businesses and homeowners effective, safe, and dependable services since 1924. To learn more about Abell visit:


