Sogeclair:Combined General Meeting of December 8th,2022 - Availability of preparatory documents

Blagnac, November 17th, 2022


The company's shareholders are invited to attend the Combined General Meeting to be held on December 8, 2022 at 14:00 p.m. at the company's headquarters, Zone aéroportuaire, 7, avenue Albert Durand, 31700 Blagnac.

The prior notice including the agenda and the draft resolutions was published in the BALO (Gazette of Obligatory Legal Announcements) n°131 of November 2nd, 2022 and the notice of meeting will be published in the BALO of November 21st, 2022 and in a legal gazette (La Dépêche du Midi) on November 21st, 2022.

The preparatory documents for the Shareholder’s Meeting as defined in Article R. 22-10-23 of the French Commercial Code are posted on the company's website (

Company Shareholders can also get the Shareholders’ meeting documents starting from the convening date. Thus, in accordance with the applicable law and regulations:

- any registered shareholder may, until the 5th (included) day prior to the shareholders’ meeting, request the company to send him/her the documents referred to in Articles R.225-81 and R.225-83 of the French Commercial Code, if necessary at his/her express request by electronic means. For holders of bearer shares, the exercise of this right is subject to the submittal of a certificate of participation in the register of bearer shares that is held by the approved register holder;

- any shareholder may consult the documents referred to in Articles L. 225-115 and R. 225-83 of the French Commercial Code at the company's registered office.

Next announcement: turnover for Q4 2022, on February 1st 2022 after closing of the Stock Market

Supplier of innovative, high added-value solutions for safer and more efficient mobility, SOGECLAIR brings its skills in high-quality engineering and production to a broad range of cutting-edge sectors, notably aeronautics, space, vehicle, rail and defense. Supporting its customers and partners from the design and simulation stages through to the end of the product’s lifetime, all along the production chain through to entry into service, the collaborators are working worldwide to offer a high-quality, proximity service to all its customers.

SOGECLAIR is listed on Euronext Paris – Compartment C – Indice Euronext® Family Business -Code ISIN: FR0000065864 / (Reuters SCLR.PA – Bloomberg SOG.FP)

Contacts: Philippe ROBARDEY, President & CEO / Olivier PEDRON, Executive Vice President / +33(0)5 61 71 70 33

Press contact: Louise-Marie Thabard / SOGECLAIR Communication / / +336 75 95 12 20



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