Toronto, Nov. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Toronto, ON (Nov 17, 2022) – Leaders of major professional immigrant associations in the Greater Toronto Area are convening with employers this evening at the Cisco Offices at #2900-88 Queens Quay West, Toronto, Ontario. The purpose of the gathering is to address how the transition to digital workspaces has impacted immigrant professionals in Canada in terms of building connections with their colleagues and peers, and in understanding the organizational culture, and how employers can build inclusive workspaces to ease this transition.
The associations are a part of Professional Immigrant Networks (PINs) – a program of the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC) – that is made up of 84 associations with a total membership of over 120,000 skilled immigrant professionals in a variety of occupations and industries. PINs associations are volunteer-led, member-based organizations with an employment focus, run by and for immigrant professionals.
PINs leaders are volunteers giving back in their spare time – most of them have separate day jobs. They are passionate about helping immigrant professionals find meaningful employment and build their careers in a new country. These associations offer innovative solutions for immigrants lacking professional connections to build strong networks in their respective fields.
The event is being hosted by TRIEC and is intended to bring together PINs leaders, employers, and employment service providers for an evening of knowledge sharing and networking. It will be attended by associations active in the Greater Toronto Area, including the Latin American MBA Alumni Network, the Professional Canadian Arab Network, and the International Association of Business Communicators, Toronto Chapter. The agenda includes personal success stories from immigrant professionals who overcame employment barriers, networking opportunities between employers and newcomers, and a panel discussion on addressing challenges for immigrants regarding networking and making connections in today’s online workspaces. All activities will tie into the theme of Building Connections in a Digital World.
The event will serve as a platform for immigrant professionals to gain insights on building their professional networks in Canada and connect with employers, employment service providers, and community leaders in the Greater Toronto Area.