Landkind Announces Preliminary Results from ISTO Clinical Study Showing LK-01™ Pure Salidroside Supports Oxygen Uptake and Mood state

Consumers can now access pure, sustainable biosynthetic salidroside with assurance that it is backed by industry-leading science

LEXINGTON, MASS., Jan. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Landkind, a subsidiary of DoubleRainbow Biosciences leveraging advances in synthetic biology to deliver precision-engineered supplements to advance human health, today announced preliminary results from its ISTO clinical study – a randomized, double-blind human study evaluating the effects of LK-01™ Pure Salidroside on exercise performance, mood state, and blood markers, conducted in partnership with the Department of Health, Kinesiology, and Sport at the University of South Alabama. The study explored the effect of LK-01™ vs placebo in 50 male and female participants between the ages of 18 and 35. Results showed daily supplementation of LK-01™ Pure Salidroside to be effective for enhancing oxygen uptake and preventing mood disturbance, particularly in the areas of fatigue-inertia and friendliness.

As part of the study, time-to-exhaustion interval tests were performed at an intensity equivalent to each participant's peak oxygen consumption rate, and the percentage of peak oxygen uptake obtained during each interval was measured. Compared to the Placebo Group, the LK-01™ Group was able to reach a significantly higher percentage of oxygen uptake during all work intervals1. LK-01™ was consumed approximately 30 minutes before each time-to-exhaustion test, meaning the observed differences in oxygen uptake between the groups can be attributed to an acute effect of LK-01™ Pure Salidroside supplementation on oxygen uptake kinetics.

In addition, Profile of Mood States (POMS) tests were administered to understand the effect of LK-01™ Pure Salidroside on overall mood state. LK-01™ demonstrated a statistically significant effect for the Fatigue-Inertia subscale (p = 0.02), the placebo group experienced a significant increase in fatigue-inertia from baseline to final testing (p < 0.01), compared to no observed change for the LK-01™ Group. Beyond fatigue, the LK-01™ Group also demonstrated a strong trend toward significance in Friendliness and Total Mood Disturbance.

"The ISTO study results are a significant milestone for Landkind and LK-01™," said Cavan Farley, Senior Vice President, Global Business Groups at DoubleRainbow Biosciences & President of Landkind. "For the first time, consumers can access pure, sustainable biosynthetic salidroside with full confidence that it is backed by industry-leading science and proven results. At Landkind, we hold ourselves to the highest standards for safety, efficacy, and purity, which is why we are committed to conducting thorough clinical evaluations with respected academic and industry partners. We’re thrilled to release the results of this study that reveal the efficacy and benefits of LK-01™ Pure Salidroside and look forward to continuing to deliver its benefits to consumers.”

Salidroside is a naturally occurring compound found in the Rhodiola rosea plant commonly used in dietary supplements and traditional medicines. Double Rainbow was the first to achieve commercial-scale biosynthetic production of pure, non-GMO salidroside, unlocking the potential to sustainably maximize the compound's various health benefits. Landkind is harnessing this breakthrough to deliver LK-01™ Pure Salidroside, to promote natural energy generation, enhanced focus, and improved stress response—among other health benefits.

While most Rhodiola supplements contain varying amounts of naturally occurring compounds, LK-01™ is a precise, single bioactive-ingredient formula containing only pure salidroside. Through biosynthetic production, LK-01™ also eliminates the need to harvest the endangered Rhodiola rosea plant, allowing consumers to enjoy the plant's potent benefits without further harming native plant populations.

Additional analyses of the results of this study are underway to evaluate the impact of LK-01 on blood markers, and muscle damage and inflammation caused by exercise. Preliminary analyses reveal no adverse effects on clinical blood markers or any reported side effects. The results also suggest that LK-01™ may mitigate performance deficits due to accumulated fatigue as demonstrated by the time-to-exhaustion test. The full analysis of the ISTO study is underway, and results will be published in a peer-reviewed journal and presented at a scientific conference later this year.

To learn more about Landkind and LK-01™, please visit


Time to Exhaustion Test – Oxidative Metabolism

Data from Testing Session 1 and Testing Session 2 were combined in order to compare between groups. Compared to the Placebo Group, the LK-01TM Group reached a significantly higher percentage of oxygen uptake during all work intervals (Interval 1, p < 0.001; Interval 2, p < 0.001; Interval 3, p = 0.001; Middle Intervals, p < 0.001; Final Intervals, p = 0.016).

Profile of Mood States (POMS)

The Profile of Mood States (POMS) test is a psychological assessment tool that measures various dimensions of mood. It consists of a series of adjective pairs that describe different mood states. It is commonly used in research to measure the effectiveness of interventions or treatments on mood, or to assess mood changes over time.

About ISTO

A randomized, double-blind human study comparing The effect of salidrosIde Supplementation on exercise performance, mood sTate, and blOod markers with a placebo (ISTO). Qualified participants completed one pre-testing session to establish baseline assessments followed by two multi-day testing sessions separated by 14 days of 60 mg supplementation of either LK-01™ or Rice Flour (placebo). Data was gathered relative to oxygen uptake, time-to-exhaustion, maximal strength assessment, and muscle endurance and damage.

About Landkind

Landkind is an entirely new class of sustainable supplements, born from mother nature's blueprint and precision-engineered to advance human health. Our revolutionary process enables us to harness the intelligence of evolution to create wellness products that are identical to what we find in nature. From how we source and produce, to how we test and measure – we're fundamentally changing the way wellness products are made. Learn more at

About Double Rainbow

Double Rainbow is a sustainable biotech company harnessing the power of natural evolution through bioengineering to improve the quality of human health and ensure the sustainability of our planet. By leveraging advances in the areas of genomics, metabolomics, and synthetic biology, we are accessing the richness and efficacy of natural chemistry like never before to bring therapeutics and bioceuticals to the world at scale without harming the environment. Learn more at

