Tampa, FLA, Jan. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- When was the last time you were walking down the street and noticed the ground littered with plastic disposable vape pens? When did you last hear the shocking statistics about youth vaping in America? What many Americans don’t know is that the majority of America’s most popular disposable vaping devices are coming from China and are filled with Chinese chemicals. Chinese manufacturers do not need to follow specific regulations unless they are selling their products inside China.  That’s right! On October 1st, 2022, the Chinese government imposed strict regulations on the vaping industry to protect vapors in China only. We have absolutely no idea what chemicals or toxins are floating around in these pre-filled disposable vaping devices, but we can only imagine that these unlicensed Chinese manufacturers are using the cheapest materials available to maximize their profits. We have no transparency into what we or our loved ones are ingesting, or the nicotine content of the E-liquid. All we know is that Americans are sucking on a piece of Chinese plastic that is filled with cheap, unknown chemicals powered by a lithium battery. With so many unknowns, and by allowing Chinese manufacturers to control the vaping industry, we are jeopardizing not only the health of our youth but that of our friends and family members who have opted to vape as a healthier alternative to cigarettes.

According to the CDC, disposable vape products make up 55.3% of devices preferred by youths who currently use e-cigarettes. This statistic comes as no surprise since the majority of disposable vaping devices being sold are fruit and dessert flavored, come in brightly colored packaging with catchy, youthful branding, and are astonishingly inexpensive. The alarming fact is that these products have taken over the US market and continue to infiltrate our schools, even though most disposable vaping devices are actually illegal

With so many of these illegal teen-targeted disposable vaping devices still being sold in America, it’s no mystery why we continue to struggle with such a widespread youth vaping epidemic. Stringent regulations have been enacted by our Government with the objective to protect teens and children, only to leave us with a lack of enforcement and easy access to illegal and unregulated products. We now know, from statistical data released by government entities, that illegal disposable devices are a major contributor to America’s youth vaping crisis. So why are we not starting the enforcement there? Disposable vaping devices are almost always manufactured in China and imported into the US with complete disregard for our rules and safety. 

The solution should be fairly simple; stop allowing these illegal and problematic products into our country at our borders.  Why do the Government and the media continue to turn a blind eye while China indoctrinates America’s youth into the vice category of nicotine? We need to communicate the information and stop this invasion at U.S. Customs now to protect our nation’s most valuable asset, our youth.

About Pure Laboratories

Operating since 2009, Pure Laboratories (Pure Labs) is a Veteran-Owned state-of-the-art 110,000-sq. ft. manufacturing and distribution facility located in Gainesville, Florida. Nicopure Labs, a subsidiary of Pure Labs, is an industry-leading manufacturer of American-Made tobacco and menthol E-liquid products.  Nicopure Labs is best known for its award-winning E-liquid and hardware brand, Halo. With a 10,000-sq. ft. cleanroom, Pure Labs is synonymous with quality manufacturing. Pure Labs’ corporate headquarters are based in Tampa Florida, with additional operations located in Europe.

For additional information about carrying Halo’s premium American-made e-liquid and innovative line of vaporizer devices, please email Halo’s principal distribution partner, Syndicate Distribution at

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Put an End to Illegal Chinese Disposable Vape Products
