Hampiðjan hf. vísar til tilkynningar dags. 17. nóvember 2022 þar sem greint var frá undirritun kaupsamnings við eigendur norska félagsins Mørenot A/S („Mørenot“) um kaup Hampiðjunnar á öllu hlutafé Mørenot og tilkynningar dags. 30. janúar 2022 þar sem greint var frá því að allir fyrirvarar væru uppfylltir í tengslum við þau viðskipti og að uppgjör færi senn fram.
Í samræmi við samþykki hluthafafundar Hampiðjunnar þann 25. nóvember sl. hefur stjórn félagsins nú samþykkt að hækka hlutafé félagsins um 50.981.049 kr. að nafnvirði með útgáfu nýrra hluta sem afhentir verða seljendum við uppgjör viðskiptanna að undangenginni skráningu hjá Fyrirtækjaskrá Skattsins og Nasdaq. Með kaupunum eignast Hampiðjan allt hlutafé í Holding Cage I AS, sem er móðurfélag samstæðu Mørenot. Tilteknir áskrifendur hafa undirgengist söluhömlur sem felast í sölutakmörkunum í 180 daga frá skráningu seljenda í hlutaskrá Hampiðjunnar.
Stefnt er að því að uppgjör viðskiptanna fari fram 7. febrúar nk.
Nánari upplýsingar veitir Hjörtur Erlendsson, forstjóri, í síma 664-3361
Hampiðjan hf. – Announcement of share capital increase and closing of the Mørenot acquisition
Hampiðjan hf. refers to the announcement submitted November 17th, 2022, where it was informed that an agreement had been signed with the owners of the holding company of the Norwegian company Mørenot A/S ("Mørenot") regarding Hampiðjan's acquisition of Mørenot's entire share capital. A reference is also made to the announcement submitted 30 January 2022 where it was announced that all the conditions for closing in the Mørenot share purchase agreement have been fulfilled and that closing will take place in the next few days.
In accordance with the approval of a shareholders’ meeting of Hampiðjan, dated 25 November 2023, the Board of Directors of the Company have approved to increase the share capital by ISK 50,981,049, nominal value, by issuing new shares which will be allocated to sellers following closing of the transaction and upon receipt of the approval of the Company Registry (Fyrirtækjaskrá) and Nasdaq. Through the acquisition, Hampiðjan acquires all the shares in Holding Cage I AS, which is the parent company of the Mørenot Group. Some subscribers have committed to be subject to transfer restrictions that prevent the transfer of new shares for 180 days following registration in the Company’s share register.
The parties aim to conclude the transaction on 7 February 2023.
For more information, please contact Hjörtur Erlendsson, CEO, at tel. 664-3361