Mississauga, ON, Feb. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EXIT Realty Corp. International delivers the love this Valentine season by delivering thousands in bonus payments to the support staff in EXIT brokerages across the U.S. and Canada.
A provision in the company’s business model known as the EXIT Formula sets aside a portion of every transaction fee received by the corporation to be held in a special fund to be paid annually to the administrative support staff in the brokerage where the real estate transaction was closed. Tami Bonnell, Co-Chair of EXIT Realty Corp. International, today announces that number now exceeds $6.8 million to-date.
At EXIT Realty Homeward Bound in upstate New York, the brokerage ownership directs the bonus to be paid to the individual responsible for transaction input and file compliance. Patti Farrell, the brokerage’s head administrator and EXIT Realty Corp. International’s 2022 Administrator of the Year, says, “We take great pleasure in knowing that our MEMO Administrator will be receiving this amazing bonus again this year. She has totally invested herself in the success of our agents and our company. Knowing her and what a huge difference this bonus check makes in her life, makes this completely rewarding and exciting for us as broker owners. Thank you EXIT Realty Corp. International for recognizing all involved in making our company great. We fully believe in sowing and reaping. And you have helped us to do that!"
EXIT Realty’s Founder & Chairman, Steve Morris, believed so strongly in the importance of skilled administrative staff to the successful operation of a real estate company, he built the bonus structure into the company’s business model at its inception with bonuses to be paid directly to individuals who work for the independently owned and operated brokerages within the EXIT Family.
Nita Basham, past international Administrator of the Year honoree at EXIT Realty Crutcher with four locations in Kentucky, commented, “As an admin, I’ve realized the importance of encouragement. I have found that being in this environment where I feel encouraged and motivated to be my best has given me the passion to pass that on to those around me. At EXIT Realty, everyone from the Broker, the Regional Owners, to the support staff from EXIT Corporate has inspired me, and because of my admin role, the inspiration has spread far. I am so thankful that we as admins are seen and valued. EXIT’s plan to acknowledge the administrative staff with an annual bonus is just another way that we are shown we matter. I can’t wait to be blessed again this year!”
About EXIT Realty: EXIT Realty is a company founded and built on human potential. A full service, forward-thinking, real estate franchisor with offices across North America, EXIT has to-date paid out more than a half a billion dollars in single-level residual income to its associates. A portion of every transaction fee received by EXIT Realty Corp. International is applied to its charitable fund, and to-date, $7 million has been allocated to charity. For more information, please visit www.exitrealty.com and www.joinexitrealty.com.