Dublin, Feb. 09, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "CIO and HR Staff Management Kit - 2023 Version" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
The one tool that every CIO and IT department needs in order to compete successfully for the best IT talent
Every CIO and IT organization that is successful has the right organization and staffing in place. The basis of that is an organization with clear definition of responsibilities, compensation that is competitive, and clear career paths which all IT professionals can relate to.
The CIO HR and Staffing Management Kit contains the tools needed to support the CIO and the IT department in its quest to get and maintain the best IT talent.
IT Job Family Classification System
IT Job Family Classification System - Both in an individual's personal career planning and an enterprise's staffing, promotion and compensation it is important to have benchmarks on the levels that individuals are at. To that end, one of the best objective ways to meet this goal is to have formal job descriptions and clear paths for promotion and compensation.
Over the past three decades, Janco Associates and its principles have created a set of over 320 IT Job descriptions that are viewed by many as the industry standard. As a natural extension of that offering Janco has documented its IT job classification system.
IT Salary Survey
IT Salary Survey - Janco and eJobDescription.com has conducted salary surveys of the IT Job market since 1989. The data from this survey has been published in the Computer Industry Almanac, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, eWeek, and many other business and industry publications. In addition over the years it has been featured on CNN, the Wall Street Journal, and several national and international media outlets.
IT Job Descriptions
The job descriptions contained within the Internet and Information Technology Position Descriptions HandiGuide are all in a standard format and are available as in ePub (eReader), PDF, and Word formats. All of the job descriptions were reviewed and updated to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley and the ISO 27000 security standard.
The latest version of the HandiGuide was completed in 2022 and is over 900 plus pages in length. The Internet and IT Position Descriptions HandiGuide includes sample organization charts, a job progression matrix, and 320 Job Descriptions. The book also addresses Fair Labor Standards, Sexual Harassment, the ADA, and is in a new easier to read format.
Each job description meets ADA standards and the individual position descriptions are delivered in electronic format - WORD (.docx) which is editable and PDF can be printed. Also included are tools to help you expand, evaluate and define your enterprise's unique additional requirements.
Those tools include:
- Job Evaluation Questionnaire
- Position Description Questionnaire
- Job Progression Matrix (Job Family Classifications)
- Best Practices - Resume Screening
- Best Practices - Phone Screening
- Hiring Guide
- Employee Termination Checklist (Electronic Form)
Interview and Hiring Guide
Interview and Hiring Guide - The job interview remains the tool you can use to get to know your candidate on a more personal basis. The job interview process helps other employees "own" the new employee who joins your organization.
Included in the Guide are specific questions to ask in several areas including:
- Prior employment
- Position the candidate is interviewing for
- Education and training
- If this is a position that could be WFH
- Decision-making and creativity
- Management and leadership
- Non-work activities and interests
- Questions that should be avoided
To make the recruiting and interviewing process meet the criteria set by world-class organizations, included are:
- Questions the interviewer should be prepared to answer
- Screening resumes best practices
- Phone screening best practices
- Interview top 10 best practices
- Hiring best practices
Also included are electronic forms for:
- Interview Questionnaire
- Background Check Authorization
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/qh2r7f-and-hr-staff?w=12
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