Sebastian Harrison, Vice President US ReputationUP: “All our business processes are ISO certified”

Los Angeles, California, United States, Feb. 23, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The company increases compliance with its customers by approving ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013

The international expansion of ReputationUP, a leading company in the online reputation, as well as the increase of its quality in the different work processes, required the achievement and updating of regulatory requirements.

In August 2022, the company completed its certification in ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management Systems.

ReputationUP specializes in all phases of online reputation management (cleaning, monitoring, protection and improvement), as well as services related to business intelligence.

"All of our business processes are ISO certified," explains Sebastian Harrison, the company's vice president for the United States.

The relationship between ISO certifications and the processes of the company is strong, since the implementation of these standards improves the efficiency, transparency, compliance and innovation of the organization, which in turn improves the quality of its services.

ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management Systems

Through ISO 27001:2013, the company prioritizes the transparency of the information it collects to drive relevant experiences and is committed to protecting personal data as part of its company objective.

“ReputationUP prides itself on maintaining the highest standards in data privacy, and we are proud to continue this approach with our most recent certification”, explains Sebastian Harrison, Vice President US ReputationUP.

27001:2013 assesses regulatory compliance, security risk program, policies, continuous improvement capability, and security controls.

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System

Through ISO 9001:2015, a quality system is established that manages all the processes of the reputational company.

These procedures include communication with the client, information regarding the services, or the organization of the different departments.

“Planning favors the team’s environment and the development of functions, improving contact with customers”, points out Sebastian Harrison.

ISO 9001:2015 includes inquiries, contracts, or orders, as well as customer feedback or ownership control.

These certifications enhance ReputationUP’s rigorous compliance program, which is constantly updated based on changing circumstances and market issues.

“We recognize that both certifications will empower our team with better quality data and benefit customers across all experiences. We are delighted to bring this level of quality and safety to our customers”, concludes Sebastian Harrison.

ReputationUP values ​​compliance with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013, approving quality management and information security policies due to the emphasis it places on the security of the organization and the protection of data from its clients.

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