Click Medical looks ahead to what’s possible in adjustability for O&P

Steamboat Springs, Colorado, Feb. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Click Medical, manufacturer of kits that adjust the fit and volume in custom O&P devices, is gearing up to expand adjustability into a greater range of applications for the industry beginning March 30th. 

Adjustability is the cornerstone of Click Medical’s solutions. Adjustability is necessary with anything that interfaces with the human body. Humans change shape, size, activity, speed, direction, and perspective. 

Click adjustable solutions enable these changes - from the realization that turning a dial can change your life to the feeling of a precision fitted prosthetic. When it comes to fitting the human body, the opportunities for Click adjustable solutions are limitless. The key is ensuring that the scale and the interface are appropriate for the application.  

“With the new Click® Reel technology we have the opportunity to increase access to adjustability in a wide variety of ways for all who might need or benefit from it and to truly improve care,” says Jimmy Capra, Click Medical’s co-founder and CEO. “While our technology is critical, what sets us apart is that we listen to the user, practitioners, and patients, to make sure that everyone is not only satisfied, but enabled.” 

As part of listening to the user, in June of 2022, Click Medical launched a Beta Test program for the new Click Reel. This test gave practitioners, technicians, and users the voice to help Click improve the functionality of the reel. “Feedback from the Beta Test created the opportunity for us to make a few minor, but important, changes to the reel, as well as improve the clarity of the fabrication instructions.  These changes will create an improved user experience for both the practitioners and the end users.” says Click Medical’s Research and Product Director, Brett Vladika. The Beta Test concludes prior to product launch and the product will remain in the field for Click to continue to monitor for durability and learn from the participant’s experiences.

Click Medical’s new product line is looking to expand their prosthetic product offering by improving fit and fabrication for all devices, moving more intently into upper extremity solutions, and addressing the myriad of orthotic applications that can benefit from adjustability. The new product line including RevoSurface®, RevoFit®, and RevoLock® will be available from Distributors beginning March 30th. 

 About Click Medical: Click Medical brings life-changing adjustability technology to the O&P industry. In 2014, the BOA®fit system from a snowboard boot inspired the idea of adjustability in prosthetic devices which would become Click Medical. Our mission is to empower users to overcome limitations, regain mobility and reclaim independence. Find more information at, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn @ClickMedical.


Click Medical Click Reel offers reliable, repeatable and predictable adjustability Click Medical Click Reel
