HOUSTON, March 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Emerson Firm, PLLC announces that it has filed a lawsuit against ILS on behalf of two Florida residents and a putative class of patients treated at ILS facilities whose personal information and including healthcare information was accessed by cyber thieves. ILS has informed the Maine Attorney General that it suffered a data breach that has affected up to 4,226,508 individuals--the largest healthcare data breach reported in 2023.
The information compromised included names, addresses, dates of birth, state ID numbers, Social Security numbers, taxpayer ID numbers, financial account information, Medicare/Medicaid IDs, diagnosis codes/diagnosis information, admission/discharge dates, mental/physical conditions, treatment information, food delivery information, prescription information, billing/claims information, and health insurance information.
Emerson Firm, PLLC with offices in Houston, TX is a law firm specializing in results, integrity, and personal service. Emerson Firm, PLLC represents consumers throughout the nation and has significant class action data breach experience with proven results. Emerson Firm, PLLC lawyers have devoted their practice to complex commercial litigation for more than forty years and have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for consumers in class actions throughout the United States.
IMPORTANT: If you have received a letter form Notice that you were affected by the ILS data breach and/or have reviewed the ILS Notice at https://ilshealth.com/supplemental-data-notice/ and believe you are affected then please contact us immediately to protect your rights. It makes no difference what state you reside in. Contact plaintiff’s counsel, Emerson Firm, PLLC via email to John G. Emerson at jemerson@emersonfirm.com.