Tallinna Kaubamaja Grupp AS (trading code TKM1T, ISIN code EE0000001105) will close the list of shareholders for dividend payment on 31st of March 2023 at the end of the working day of the Nasdaq CSD Estonian Settlement System.
Proceeding from the above, the ex-date is 30th of March 2023. From that date the new owner of the shares is not entitled to dividends for the year 2022.
Tallinna Kaubamaja Grupp AS will pay dividend 0.68 euros per share on 5th of April 2023.
Tallinna Kaubamaja Grupp AS as a company paying regular dividends is eligible for partial exemption from income tax when paying income tax on dividends. Therefore, dividends are also paid in two separate payments according to the income tax rate (14% and 20%). Pursuant to clauses 41 (7²) and 43 (1) 1¹) of the Income Tax Act, Tallinna Kaubamaja Grupp AS undertakes to withhold a 7% income tax on dividends paid to natural persons if it is taxed at a rate of 14% even if the private investor keeps the shares in an investing account. Shareholders who are private persons receive dividends as a net amount from which the entire income tax has already been withheld.
Raul Puusepp
Chairman of the Board
Phone +372 731 5000