France - Pharmacy Category Database: Price History and Inflation for Frenchan Pharmacy Products Market from 2019 Till Now

Dublin, April 10, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "France - Pharmacy Category Database" database has been added to's offering.

This research contains 2,867 product prices, with descriptions of their history and volatility, for the French market in the Pharmacy segment, starting from January 31, 2023 to the present.


Every week, if not more frequently, we do a price snapshot for each product in all French e-commerce shops and save the values. As a result, you can download all product price changes with weekly price updates.

Data delivery:

Within 24 hours after you order the research, we will send you the .json series of requested data. You can request a test data before you buy the full package. Also, you can download a sample of 10 products to see the details of product price volatility.

Who is this report useful to:

  • If you are the specialist in data mining or big data and you search for big dataset with time-series for product prices - this report will be useful for you.
  • If you do econometric price research or work in accounting of the pricing of consumer goods with natural inflation, this research will be useful to you since there's simply no alternatives how to obtain the relevant dataset.
  • If you work in designing a pricing model - for example, you are to define demand from price - this research will give you full picture to train your model in regular price changes.
  • If you work in global inflation monitoring, this research provides you with information on inflation for the last 4-5 years. You can perform datamining taking into account internal and external causes of product price changes with exact dates of price changes.
  • If you are FMCG manufacturer and you need to understand the pricing in previous periods of your competitive products, this dataset will give you all the details you could desire.

This marketing research is for:

  • Data mining specialists
  • Econometric price researchers
  • Specialists for pricing models
  • People who perform global inflation monitoring
  • FMCG manufactors

For more information about this database visit

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