Icelandair: Traffic Data March 2023

In March 2023, Icelandair‘s passengers were 255 thousand, compared to 184 thousand in March last year, which is a 38% increase. Capacity in March was 27% higher than last year. March was a record month in terms of ticket sales.  

Passengers on international flights were 230 thousand, compared to 161 thousand in March 2022, an increase of 43%. Passengers to Iceland were 118 thousand and 45 thousand from Iceland. Via passengers were around 67 thousand. On-time performance on international flights was 82%. The load factor on international flights was 81.8%, an increase of 8.2 ppt year-on-year. The load factor was especially high on flights to and from North America, 86.7%. This is a record load factor for North America flights in March.  

Passengers on domestic flights were around 25 thousand, compared to 23 thousand in March 2022. On time performance was 90%. Load factor on domestic flights was 76.3%.  

Sold block hours in the leasing operation increased by 20%. Freight measured in Freight Ton Kilometers increased by 20% compared to March last year, due to increased capacity with the introduction of a Boeing 767 widebody into the cargo fleet at the end of last year.  

Route NetworkMar 23Mar 22CHG (%)YTD 23YTD 22CHG (%)
Number of Passengers 254,529183,96838%664,288421,97857%
Load Factor81.7%73.7%8.1 ppt77.8%67.2%10.6 ppt
Available Seat KM (ASK´000,000)867.3683.727%2,354.51,703.638%
Revenue Passenger KM (RPK´000,000)708.9503.741%1,830.81,144.360%
  To market (passengers)118,16291,56329%288,122203,05142%
  From market (passengers)44,90134,47430%137,11186,08959%
  Via market (passengers)66,73734,94491%176,54382,245115%
Number of Passengers 229,800160,98143%601,776371,38562%
Load Factor81.8%73.6%8.2 ppt77.8%67.0%10.7 ppt
Available Seat KM (ASK´000,000)858.1676.027%2,330.81,685.738%
Revenue Passenger KM (RPK´000,000)701.9497.341%1,812.91,130.060%
Stage length (KM)2,9883,065-3%2,9603,047-3%
On-Time-Performance (Arrivals)82.0%74.2%7.8 ppt77.0%71.8%5.2 ppt
Number of Passengers24,72922,9878%62,51250,59324%
Load Factor76.3%82.9%-6.7 ppt75.8%79.4%-3.6 ppt
Available Seat KM (ASK´000,000)9.37.720%23.718.032%
On-Time-Performance (Arrivals)90%65%25.0 ppt84%60%24.0 ppt
Cargo & LeasingMar 23Mar 22CHG (%)YTD 23YTD 22CHG (%)
Sold Block Hours - Leasing1,3921,16220%3,7323,6442%
Freight Tonne KM (FTK´000)15,55012,95020%43,23333,73928%
CO2 EMISSIONSMar 23Mar 22CHG (%)YTD 23YTD 22CHG (%)
Total CO2 emissions tonnes 64,44252,40023%175,723133,24732%
CO2 emissions per OTK0.760.83-9%0.790.91-13%

Contact information
Investors: Iris Hulda Thorisdottir, Director Investor Relations. E-mail:
Media: Asdis Petursdottir, Director Communications. E-mail: