The Sisters of the Valley Announce CBD Price Cuts

Up to 25% In Price Reductions

Merced, California, April 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- This morning the Sisters of the Valley announced the slashing of prices on all CBD products and all merchandise.  The sisters cut all CBD and merchandise prices 15%, reduced the prices of standard CBD oil by 20% and all gelcaps by 25%.   These represent significant, permanent discounts. 

Said Sister Kate, “We are on a mission to get our gelcaps down to a dollar a cap, regardless of the variety.  Whether we are talking about the gelcaps for sleep, the ones that offer raw cannabis compounds for resilience, or the standard CBD gelcaps for pain, we are trying to reach a broader public with our naturally helpful products and to do that, we have to get the prices down.  Our venders and suppliers are working with us on this effort, of course.”

The pandemic adversely affected the sisters international sales, followed by the floods and mudslides that swept away a significant portion of their west coast sales.  In an effort to save themselves and reach more customers, price cuts were put into effect earlier this week.

The Sisters encourage people to go to their store ( and sign up for the newsletters to take advantage of all specials and sales, providing further discounts.   The store also has a reward / points program that allows buyers to earn points with every purchase and spend them in the store. 

Explains Sister Halla, a new novitiate to the order, “We also have subscription services and are seeing an uptake on that, as people care about time and money.  Subscription delivery services help by giving further discounts and by taking the order time out of the formula.”

The Sisters didn’t alter the prices of the mushroom products, as they are brand new, and there is little competition.  With CBD products, however, there is significantly more competition now compared to when the sisters started making their salves and tinctures over eight years ago.  Said Sister Kate, “It’s a tough economy.  When people have to choose between paying rent or buying pain relief, they suffer.  This is an attempt to make our traditional products more affordable for more people.”



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