Dublin, April 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "The State of College Course Materials in the United States 2022-2024" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
The State of College Course Materials 2022-2024 report has found that college course materials will decrease 3.5% to $3.1 billion in 2022, reversing the previous year's one year period of positive results. The author also expects that sales of course materials will continue a slow decline by slightly over 2.0% over the next couple of years.
In addition to analyzing the market size and segments for the college course materials industry, The State of College Course Materials 2022-2024 provides details on a wide range of other issues, trends, and forces impacting the market.
These include types of institutions where students are enrolling:
- The growth of distance education
- Federal and state policy and funding developments
- Print vs. digital growth in instructional materials
- The rise of subscription and inclusive access plans
- New technology trends
- Company mergers & acquisitions and operating performance of key companies such as Pearson; Cengage, McGraw Hill; Wiley, Chegg and others
- The growth in workforce education and the state and growth of Open Education Resources (OER).
Key Findings
- Among the key findings highlighted in the report are:
- How falling enrollment, which has dropped 1.6% from 2022 to 2021 is negatively impacting the instructional materials industry
- The increase in the number of faculty using Open Education Resources, which has grown 7% from the year before to a total of 40%.
- How digital materials are still growing, but at slower rate
- The impact of the increased activity in workforce education on the industry
Key Topics Covered:
1. Methodology
2. Executive Summary
3. Introduction
- Table | The Marist Mindset List for the Class of 2025
4. Market Size & Enrollment
- Institution Types and Numbers
- Table | Number of U.S. Degree-Granting Postsecondary Institutions, 2020-2021 v. 2019-2020
- Public vs. Private
- For-Profit Private Institutions Outnumber Nonprofit Schools
- Institutions with First-Year Undergraduates
- Table | Degree-Granting Institutions with First-Year Undergraduates, 2019-2020 vs. 2010-2011 vs. 2000-2001
- Institutional Closure and Consolidation
- Where Students Are Enrolled
- Table | Total Fall Enrollment in Degree-Granting Postsecondary Institutions, 2000, 2010, 2020
- Two-Year Enrollments Down, Four-Year Enrollments Up
- Fall 2021 and 2022 Undergraduate Enrollments Continue the Pattern of Decline
- Table | U.S. Undergraduate Enrollment Percentage Changes by Sector, Fall 2020-Fall 2022
- Shifting Market for For-Profit Institutions
- Table | Career College Enrollment Index
- The Appeal of Distance Education
- Table | Undergraduate Enrollment in Distance Education Courses, Fall 2020 v. Fall 2019
- Table | Post-Secondary Enrollment in Distance Education, by Type of Institution, Fall 2020
- Degrees by the Numbers
- Table | Certificate/Associate/Bachelor's Degrees Awarded, 2019-2020 vs. 2009-2010
- Fields of Study
- Table | Fields with Largest Number of Bachelor's Degrees Awarded in 2019-2020 and % Change from 2010-2011
5. Policy & Funding
- Introduction
- Costs of Attending College in 2022-2023
- Table | Undergraduate Tuition and Fees, 2022-2023 vs 2021-2022
- Federal Funding for Higher Education
- Table | Selected Higher Education Programs in President Biden's Department of Education Budget Request; FY20
- Highlights of Proposed Postsecondary Education Funding
- Federal Pandemic Stimulus Funding Continues to Have an Impact
- Education Department News in 2022
- Taking a Look at Student Loans and Financial Aid
- Student Loan Forgiveness Faces Legal Challenges
- Seeking Out Violations and Fraud in the World of Student Aid
- Addressing Financial Aid Confusion
- State Support for Higher Education
- Table | State Fiscal Support for Higher Education, FY2022 vs. FY2021 ($ in 000; ranked by % change)
- Workforce Development
- Table | Apprenticeship Building America Grants, 2022
- Department of Labor Announces Pre-Apprenticeship Program
6. Course Materials
- Introduction
- Long-Term Decline in Course Materials Spend Continues
- Table | Select Findings from 2021-2022 Student Watch
- Digital Usage
- Print Makes a Comeback with Teachers Post-Pandemic
- Survey Shows Satisfaction with Digital Materials
- Inclusive Access Programs on the Rise
- Direct-to-Student Subscription Programs Expand
- Looking to New Technology
- Segmenting Industry Sales
- Table | Sales by Segment of Key College Course Materials 2022 ($ in 000,000)
- Table | Changes in Digital Higher Education Revenue Share at Three Publishers, Full Years 2019-2021
- Operating Performance of Providers and Distributers
- Table | Leading Publicly Traded Higher Education Publishers by Higher Education Revenue,
- Pearson Launches Pearson+ DTC Subscription
- Cengage Integrates Businesses, Drives Further Digital Transformation
- McGraw Hill Changes Hands, Continues Digital Transformation
- Wiley's Education Publishing Finally on the Rise
- Chegg's Textbook and E-Textbook Revenue Declines
- Digital DSS, First Day Businesses Fuel Barnes & Noble
- Open Educational Resources
- Federal Government Gets Behind OER
- California Prioritizes OER for Community Colleges
- OpenStax Expands Implementation, Gains Federal Funding
- Course Hero, Lumen Pair to Expand Access to OER
- Institutions Encourage Adoption, Creation, and Use of OER
- Table | Putting OER to Work, 2022
7. Trends and Industry Adaptations
- Introduction
- Mergers and Acquisitions in 2021
- Table | Higher Education Merger & Acquisition Index, 2021
- M&A Market Cools a Bit in 2022
- Table | Higher Education Merger & Acquisition Index, 2022
- Continued Focus on Workforce Education
- M&A Activity Targets Workforce Readiness
8. Conclusions & Outlook
- Introduction
- Table | Selected Higher Education Revenue Changes for Instructional Resources Providers, First Nine Months
- Negative Headwinds Continue
- Enrollment
- Workforce Education Competes with Academic Fields of Study
- Rising Costs Add to Student Pressures
- Spend on Instructional Materials Still Declining
- Traditional Colleges & Universities Adapting to New Realities
- Outlook for College Course Materials
- Table | Sales by Segment of Key College Course Materials, 2022-2024P ($ in 000,000)
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/hcb4xd
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