BEAMSVILLE, Ontario, April 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Quebec intends to table regulation in the coming weeks to ban flavoured vape products, in conjunction with other measures the province claims will prevent youth from accessing vape products. The Canadian Vaping Association (CVA) says Quebec’s misguided policy is having a domino effect, as anti-vaping advocates exert pressure on other provinces to follow Quebec’s lead.
Recently, Neil Johnson, president and CEO of the Manitoba Lung Association, told CTV News that he hopes Manitoba will follow Quebec’s example. Mr. Johnson says that the existing regulations are not having the desired effect and are failing to stop youth from accessing products through friends and family members.
The CVA says the problem falls with enforcement and not the regulations. “Federally, Canada has implemented robust regulations to protect youth. The problem is the regulations have not been adequately enforced. Instead of using the funding from Canada’s new vape excise tax to increase enforcement resources, the government continues to implement more regulation which also goes unenforced,” said Darryl Tempest, Government Relations Counsel to the CVA Board.
History has shown that prohibition is ineffective and leads to increased crime through thriving illicit channels. Industry sales data finds that more than 90% of adults use a flavoured product and survey data finds that more than half of vapers intend to find ways to acquire flavoured products even if they are banned. The huge demand for flavoured vape products will be filled by the black-market. The existing black-market has already shown its disregard for Canadian regulatory standards by offering illegal high nicotine products, products with flavour names and packaging that appeals to youth and arranging sales at middle and high schools through social media platforms. The data is clear that youth are better protected through a regulated market.
Moreover, numerous studies find that flavours are not a primary driver for youth usage. Among Canadians aged 15 years and over who used a vape in the past 30 days, the most commonly reported reasons for vaping were smoking cessation (27%), curiosity (20%), and because they enjoyed it (20%). Despite data disproving the fallacy that youth vape for flavours, flavours continue to be a convenient scapegoat for failed enforcement programs.
Additionally, Mr. Johnson told CTV News that youth vaping leads to smoking. This is a misperception that has been repeatedly debunked. According to Health Canada there is little evidence that vaping product use increases the risk of ever smoking among youth and young adults. However, recent data suggests that, thus far, smoking rates, for both youth and adults, continue to decline and are at an all-time low.
“Cigarette smoking is responsible for nearly 90% of all lung cancer deaths and 80% of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Vaping is proven to significantly reduce the harm caused by smoking and flavours are a key component of vaping’s efficacy. The CVA is baffled by the Manitoba Lung Association’s support of a flavour ban,” said Tempest.
The CVA urges the Government of Manitoba to consider stronger enforcement, increased penalties for sales to minors and more education to discourage youth from experimenting with vape products. Flavour bans do not prevent youth from accessing vape products and are detrimental to the adults who rely on flavoured products to fight their addiction to smoking.
About the CVA: The Canadian Vaping Association is a registered national, not-for-profit organization, established as the voice for Canadian vaping industry. Founded in 2014, the CVA represents over 200 retail and online vaping businesses in Canada. The CVA does not accept membership or funding from tobacco companies or affiliates. The association is a liaison with the federal and provincial governments on all legislative and regulatory issues related to the industry. The primary goal of the CVA is to ensure that government regulation is reasonable and practical, through the strategy of professional proactive communication and education.
Darryl Tempest Government Relations Counsel to the CVA Board, 647-274-1867