The General Ordinary Meeting of shareholders of Snaige AB was held on 28 April 2023.
At the meeting was made following resolutions:
- THE AGENDA QUESTION: Consolidated annual report of “Snaigė” AB on the company’s activity for 2022 with information about the Company strategy and its implementation.
In the meeting taken for information the consolidated annual report of “Snaigė” AB on the company’s activity for 2022 with information about the Company strategy and its implementation.
- THE AGENDA QUESTION: Auditor’s conclusion on the company’s financial statements for 2022.
In the meeting taken for information with the auditor’s conclusion on the company’s financial statements for 2022.
- THE AGENDA QUESTION: Approval of the set of financial statements of the company for 2022.
THE DECISION: The set of financial statements of the company for 2022 has been approved.
- THE AGENDA QUESTION: Approval of distribution of profit (loss) of Snaigė, AB for 2022.
THE DECISION: The distribution of profit (loss) of Snaigė,AB for 2022 has been approved:
Non-distributed profit (loss) at the end of the last financial year | (11,253,712) EUR |
Net result - profit (loss) of financial year | 5,212,518 Eur |
Profit (loss) for the reporting financial year not recognized in the income statement | 889,500 EUR |
Distributable result- profit (loss) of financial year | (15,576,730) Eur |
Transfers from reserves: | 673,581 Eur |
| |
| 673,581 EUR |
Distributable profit | (14,903,149) Eur |
Distribution of profit | 0 |
| |
Non-distributed result - profit (loss) at the end of financial year | (14,903,149) EUR |
5. THE AGENDA QUESTION: The election of the Board for new term.
THE DECISION: For the new Board term to the Board elected:
Aleksey Kovalchuk
Konstantin Kovalchuk
Anna Korneeva
Mikhail Topolin
To authorize the General Manager of the Company Mindaugas Sologubas (with the right to reauthorize) to perform all necessary actions, sign and submit documents relating with changed date presentation to register of Juridical persons.
6. THE AGENDA QUESTION: The election of the audit committee for new term.
THE DECISION: Anna Korneeva elected to audit committee for new 4 years cadence.
7.THE AGENDA QUESTION: Regarding change of the restructuring plan of the Company.
THE DECISION: To approve the changed restructuring plan of the Company.
General Director
Mindaugas Sologubas
Phone no. +370 652 11997