Bulletin from BTS Group AB's Annual General Meeting

Stockholm May 12, 2023

The Annual General Meeting approved the proposed dividend to shareholders of SEK 5.40 per share, divided into two payment occasions of SEK 2.70 each. The record date for the first payment of SEK 2.70 was determined to Tuesday May 16, 2023 and for the second payment of SEK 2.70 was determined to Wednesday November 15, 2023. The first payment is expected to be made on Monday May 22, 2023 and the second payment is expected to be made on Monday November 20, 2023.

The Annual General Meeting discharged the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO from liability for the financial year 2022 and approved the remuneration report for 2022 prepared by the Board of Directors.

The Annual General Meeting approved the remuneration to board members to a total of SEK 1,655,000, of which SEK 500,000 to the Chairman and SEK 225,000 to each of the other board members, and SEK 55,000 to the Deputy Board member. A total fee of SEK 200,000 shall be paid for committee work. Mariana Burenstam Linder, Stefan Gardefjord, Reinhold Geijer and Anna Söderblom were re-elected as ordinary board members. Henrik Ekelund was re-elected as Chairman of the Board. Olivia Ekelund was re-elected as deputy board member. Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was re-elected as auditor. All elections were for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting.

The Annual General Meeting resolved in accordance with the Board of Directors' proposal to authorize the Board of Directors to resolve, until the end of the next Annual General Meeting and with deviation from the shareholders' preferential rights, to issue shares or convertibles (corresponding to a maximum of 1,200,000 class B shares) in connection with acquisitions of companies.

Minutes of complete resolutions from the meeting will be available on the company's website, www.bts.com, no later than Friday May 19, 2023.

The Board
BTS Group AB

For more information:
Stefan Brown, CFO, 08-58 70 70 00
For more information about BTS, go to www.bts.com 


Pièces jointes

Bulletin from BTS' AGM 2023