LOS ANGELES, May 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Diagnosed in 2008 at age 59 with multiple myeloma, Andy Sninsky continues to be a formidable inertia in motion and a perpetual source of inspiration for the International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) and the myeloma community at large.
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Now 74, Andy has rightfully earned the moniker “Crazy Guy on a Bike” having traveled over 25,000 miles on his bike since 2011 after going through a myeloma diagnosis, chemotherapy, radiation, and an autologous stem cell transplant.
This “Crazy Guy on a Bike” has managed to complete multiple bicycle tours of Europe, across the U.S., Canada, and Australia. He is presently pedaling his way around New Zealand.
In A Day In The Life podcast interview with the IMF, Andy narrated his unique and inspiring myeloma journey.
Andy related how his initial diagnosis was “earth-shattering,” as he has always been “healthy and outdoorsy.” He had just gotten back from a trip to Costa Rica with his wife and had terrible pain in his back and ribs. In May 2008, while in Vienna, he was sent to the hospital by his general physician and stayed there for nine days.
After a multiple series of blood tests, Andy was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. He was sent to a specialist, Dr. Hines Ludwig, who works with the IMF from Europe.
“I had first radiation, 15 bouts, to help to remove the lesions from my ribs, and back, and spine. I went from a normal a hundred and sixty, sixty-five pounds, down to 119 pounds. I was feeling very lethargic, and I just was in so much pain that they began to put me on different pain medications, Norco, and things like that. And I wasn't getting better,” Andy recounted.
With the help of monks in Heiligenkreuz Monastery and because of Andy’s amazing resilience, he was able to pull through—weathering the complications of a trial chemotherapy for eight months when he went for treatment in June 2008. Andy also needed a stem cell transplant but developed complications—the procedure had to be delayed and only happened in April 2009.
Little by little, Andy’s condition improved until he was strong enough to walk around his village, Klosterneuburg, in Austria. That’s when the idea of hopping on a bike came to him whilst his wife’s strong disapproval. Andy started riding short distances initially, while avoiding roads and taking only bike trails. As he rode his bike further and further, he began to push himself to ride even more.
After returning to California in 2010, he got on his bike in 2011 and never looked back. “I told my wife what I’m going to do for the myeloma community. I went to a family meeting in Vienna and met some people including my doctor," said Andy.
Dr. Ludwig gave him the go signal and Andy went on his first trip from Newport Beach, CA up to Bullhead City, AZ as his first fundraiser for the IMF. He rode with his friend Tom Monay and the duo completed the over-300-mile journey through the Southern California Mojave Desert in five days.
Andy has ridden across the U.S., all over Europe, Australia, Canada, and is now riding in New Zealand for the IMF. He embarked on his first international bicycle adventure in Sydney and Melbourne in October 2013, and it has been ten years since then. Currently, Andy has done “600 miles of pedaling the South Island with 5 more weeks of exploring the North Island” in New Zealand.
“There is still no cure [for multiple myeloma] but with new treatments today, there is hope that some blood cancers including myeloma can be managed and give us a good quality of life. I am living proof of that possibility. When I do these rides, that is what I try to impart to people I meet,” shares Andy.
“We are all on this other road of trying to stay healthy through our illness. It is never exactly easy but always an adventure. There are a lot of people rooting for us to do well. That is all our goal.”
“I am hopeful that now that I ride for all patients, we will see a jump in IMF donations. My goal is to help reach as many patients as possible and your donations will help the cause,” invites Andy.
As a 27-year myeloma survivor himself, IMF President & CEO Yelak Biru lauds Andy’s tireless efforts and generous contributions to the IMF.
“The outcome for myeloma patients has significantly improved over the years. We at the IMF are committed to continuing our efforts to ensure that patients survive, thrive, and live a full life with myeloma. We are grateful to Andy for his unwavering support of the IMF and the awareness he creates worldwide, which helps us in our mission to improve the lives of myeloma patients and their families. Together, we can work towards a brighter future for everyone affected by this disease,” says Yelak.
Proceeds from the Crazy Guy on a Bike Adventures - New Zealand Edition fundraiser will benefit the International Myeloma Foundation. To make a donation to Andy Sninsky’s cause, visit his IMF Fundraiser page.
Multiple myeloma is a cancer of the bone marrow plasma cells — white blood cells that make antibodies. A cancerous or malignant plasma cell is called a myeloma cell. Myeloma is called "multiple" because there are frequently multiple patches or areas in bone where it grows. It can appear as both a tumor and/or an area of bone loss, and it affects the places where bone marrow is active in an adult: the hollow area within the bones of the spine, skull, pelvis, rib cage, and the areas around the shoulders and hips.
Founded in 1990, the International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) is the first and largest global foundation focusing specifically on multiple myeloma. The Foundation's reach extends to more than 525,000 members in 140 countries worldwide. The IMF is dedicated to improving the quality of life of myeloma patients while working toward prevention and a cure by focusing on four key areas: research, education, support, and advocacy. The IMF has conducted more than 250 educational seminars worldwide, maintains a world-renowned InfoLine, and in 2001, established the International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG), a collaborative research initiative focused on improving myeloma treatment options for patients. In 2012, the IMF launched the Black Swan Research Initiative®, a groundbreaking research project aimed at curing myeloma. The IMF can be reached at (800) 452-CURE (2873). The global website is www.myeloma.org.
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Media Contacts:
Peter Anton
Jason London