Roosevelt Island, NY, May 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation President Shelton J. Haynes today announced the formation of a new Constituent Services Department within RIOC that will meet directly with community members and handle constituent concerns as they arise. The department is aimed at tackling island issues directly. It will foster greater one-on-one engagement between the corporation and the Roosevelt Island community.
"With the announcement of our newly formed constituent services department, RIOC has reaffirmed its commitment to prioritizing customer service with enhanced responsiveness to residents and any inquiries from the larger public," said RIOC President and CEO Shelton Haynes. "We have created a robust team dedicated to follow-up, managing resident phone calls, emails, and in-person discussions to ensure that we provide the highest standard of customer service to our community."
Assistant Vice President of Communications & Government Affairs Akeem Jamal stated, "With my prior experience of constituent work in the City of Yonkers, Constituents services will serve as a one-stop shop that houses a dedicated staff who will work one on one with community members to cut through the red tape and address their concerns relating to island issues and connecting them with the resources available from city, state and federal government. My mission for this newly formed department is to allow government to be even more accessible and responsive to addressing our community's needs."
Island residents who wish to discuss operational matters related to Roosevelt Island will now be able to schedule time to sit down directly with constituent services and have their casework assigned to the proper channels within RIOC. Constituent services will also track the assigned case and remain in contact with the island resident throughout the duration of the casework process.
Roosevelt Island Senior Association President Andrea Jackson added, "I am glad to see the 10-point public safety plan in motion and geared to provide targeted services for the Roosevelt Island Community. The initiative to visibly interface and collaborate with Roosevelt Island residents is exhibiting great promise for the future of our community safety, sustainability, and transparency. The success, health and welfare of our vibrant community is dependent upon active collaboration and clear communication across all social spectrums of the Roosevelt Island community. I look forward to the continued progress and unfolding of new processes in constituent services that RIOC is providing."
Beginning Monday, June 5th, Constituent Services will offer office hours by appointment throughout the island. The Constituent Services Department will consist of four members from Team RIOC, led by AVP Akeem Jamal.
1. Akeem Jamal, Assistant Vice President of Communications & Government Affairs
2. Bryant Daniels, Director of Communications & Public Affairs
3. Amanda Dominguez, Communications and Constituent Services Liaison
4. Anita Fisher, Special Assistant
5. Meg McCabe, Special Assistant, Operations
6. Stephanie Patino, Administrative Services Clerk, Public Safety Department
7. Tory Ferguson, Office Clerk / Front Desk AssociateThe RIOC team will handle in-person constituent meetings while still answering resident phone calls and inquiries outside the current constituent service scheduled hours. The team of individuals includes those of all departments to ensure there is a thoughtful 360-degree approach to addressing all Roosevelt Island concerns.
"I am glad that RIOC is making an effort to listen to the community more closely. RIRA looks forward to continuing to bring our community's concerns to RIOC and have them addressed promptly," stated President Roosevelt Island Residents Association President Rossana Ceruzzi.
President Haynes added, "We have centralized the process where residents will be able to schedule calls and in-person meetings to speak with a RIOC team member in real-time. We will hear their feedback, take into consideration their suggestions, and assist with closing out their problems; even if it is beyond the scope of RIOC, we will be sure to direct them to the proper agency, elected official's office, or resource."
To begin, RIOC will offer constituent service office hours at the following locations and times and progressively expand its schedule based on demand:
Monday: 10am - 4pm (By Appointment)
Wednesday: 10am - 4pm(By Appointment)
Friday: 11am - 2pm (Drop-ins Welcome) at Roosevelt Island Senior AssociationSchedule an appointment today for appointments beginning Monday, June 5th.