Professionals’ Financial - Mutual Funds Inc. announces the upcoming dissolution of FDP Cash Management Portfolio

MONTREAL, June 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Professionals’ Financial - Mutual Funds Inc. (“FDP”), the investment fund manager and portfolio manager of FDP Cash Management Portfolio (the “Fund”), announces that it intends to proceed with the dissolution of the Fund on or about August 31, 2023 (the “Dissolution Date”).

From June 1, 2023, no new investment or additional investment in the Fund will be accepted, including from current unitholders and through the periodic investment plan.

As the asset level and the number of unitholders of the Fund do not meet its requirements, FDP has decided to proceed with its dissolution. This action is consistent with FDP’s strategy to offer effective investment solutions targeting investor needs.

Current unitholders of the Fund can have their units redeemed or transfer their investments to any other mutual fund of the family of public funds of FDP before the Dissolution Date. Unitholders are encouraged to discuss the available investment options with their financial advisor.

Unitholders will not be required to pay transfer or redemption charges in connection with the dissolution of the Fund. As required by securities regulations, a notice of the dissolution has been sent to the unitholders of the Fund.

About Professionals’ Financial
Professionals’ Financial offers private management products and services, financial planning solutions, as well as a complete range of mutual funds. Established in 1978 by and for professionals, Professionals’ Financial is committed to keeping its management fees among the lowest in the Canadian market. It is affiliated with the Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec, the Association des chirurgiens-dentistes du Québec, the Corporation de service de la Chambre des notaires, the Association des architectes en pratique privée du Québec and the Association québécoise des pharmaciens propriétaires. Thanks to this affiliation, Professionals’ Financial is uniquely positioned in terms of impartiality, representation of its clients' interests and market performance.

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Source: Professionals’ Financial - Mutual Funds Inc.

Information:           Mr. François Leblanc, CFA
Director, Manager of Managers and Portfolio Optimization, Investments
Professionals’ Financial
2 Complexe Desjardins
East Tower – 31st Floor, P. O. Box 1116
Montréal, Québec H5B 1C2
Telephone: 514-229-4142
Fax: 514-350-5155
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