Doswell, Virginia, June 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- INDEVCO North America will exhibit its patent-pending Barricade Guard Continuous Corner at The Sunbelt Builders Show, Booth # 421, at Fort Worth Convention Center on July 13-14, 2023. Visitors can view demos and request samples of the Guard product, produced with either Thermo-Brace Structural Sheathing or Thermo-Brace Structural Insulated Board (SIB). These products have been developed to meet the latest energy codes and cater to the evolving needs of the Texas building industry.
"What’s really exciting this year,” says Darcy Overby, Barricade National Sales Director, “is showing a recent installation of our breakthrough SIB Guard product in Texas. Thermo-Brace Guard wraps corners seamlessly and addresses the challenge of thermal bridging, which helps maintain consistent temperatures throughout the structure.”
Overby continues, “With Thermo-Brace Guard, builders and contractors get a light and fast install and save on both the cost of seam tape and labor for corners. They’re able to unitize the wall and eliminate foam damage usually associated with continuous insulation products. Just as important, home buyers reduce air and moisture infiltration, as well as energy waste, and maximize their overall energy savings.”
INDEVCO North America produces a comprehensive range of building envelope products at its manufacturing plants in Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Virginia. As part of its mission, the company is focused on designing products that increase the efficiency of the building envelope and positively impact Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index and Energy Rating Index (ERI) scores.
Texas builders are increasingly turning to HERS as a compliance pathway for energy ratings. Texas House Bill 3215,1 signed last June and codified into Chapter 388 of Texas Building Energy Performance Standards, separates HERS from the ICC/IRC ERI. According to RESNET, Texas was the top ranked state in the US for the number of HERS-rated homes in 2022.2
Geoff Baldwin, INDEVCO North America Chief Innovation Officer, explains, “We’re thrilled to showcase our latest developments. These products reflect our commitment to pushing the boundaries of energy efficiency, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. We’re confident that they will reshape the construction industry and drive the adoption of greener building practices."
In addition to continuous corner insulation, INDEVCO North America will introduce Barricade Thermo-Pro EPS Non-Structural Rigid Foam Insulation for the first time at The Sunbelt Show.
For more information about Barricade and its extensive product portfolio, please visit
About INDEVCO North America
INDEVCO has operated for over 40 years in the US market, as Interstate Resources, Inc. through 2017 and presently as INDEVCO North America. Headquartered north of Richmond, Virginia, the protective materials manufacturing group produces Barricade® and Perma R® Building Products in Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Virginia. The distinct brands – serving different channels, end markets, and geographical territories – offer one of the most comprehensive building envelope product portfolios available in the US.
Barricade Building Products is a member of the INDEVCO North America, Inc. Building Products Division. Barricade is an INDEVCO North America brand.
INDEVCO North America plants also manufacture paper and plastic Packaging Solutions in South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia and manage recycling operations for reprocessed and biomass materials that create a circular economy. Member manufacturing plants serve a growing list of industries, including building and construction, beverage, chemical and petrochemical, food, industrial salt and minerals, lawn and garden, packaging converting, pet food, and transport.
Contact Information
Darcy Overby
National Sales Director
Barricade Building Products