Mountlake Terrace, Wash., July 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- KERN Agency, a creative stategy agency, is a vendor of Premera Blue Cross. KERN notfied Premera on June 3, 2023, of a weak spot in its MOVEit software that enabled the unauthorized access and exfiltration of some stored data files that contain some Premera Blue Cross Medicare Advantage (HMO) members’ protected health information. KERN has confirmed that access to their systems was contained and mitigated with no further compromise.
It is important to note that the attacker(s) did not have access to claims, financial information, or social security numbers.
All Premera members affected by this breach have been notified by mail. Premera recommends that members remain vigilant and monitor their credit reports. Premera takes these types of issues very seriously and will be working closely with KERN to ensure proper remediaton actions are taken.
For more information and assistance call, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. PT, Monday through Friday at 888-850-8526 (TTY:711).
About Premera Blue Cross
Premera Blue Cross, a not-for-profit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association based in Mountlake Terrace, Wash., is a leading health plan in the Pacific Northwest, providing robust health benefits and tailored services to more than 2.75 million people, from individuals to Fortune 100 companies.
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