Eramet in Gabon: rail freight resumes this evening and mining resumes tomorrow morning

Paris, August 30th 2023, 6.30 PM CEST


Eramet in Gabon: rail freight resumes this evening and mining resumes tomorrow morning

In accordance with the Group's procedures to ensure the safety of its personnel and the integrity of its facilities, Eramet decided this morning to temporarily suspend locally all its manganese mining, rail transport and shipping activities as a precautionary measure.

In view of the information available this evening on today’s events in Gabon, the Group has decided to immediately restart rail transport activity and to resume mining operations as of tomorrow morning, Thursday 31 August. Passenger train movements will remain suspended until further notice.

The Group is continuing to monitor the situation in Gabon closely and will keep the markets informed. In total, production at the Moanda mine will have been halted for 24 hours and rail transport for 18 hours.

Through its subsidiaries Comilog and Setrag, Eramet employs more than 8,700 people (employees and subcontractors) in Gabon.


Eramet transforms the Earth’s mineral resources to provide sustainable and responsible solutions to the growth of the industry and to the challenges of the energy transition.

Its employees are committed to this through their civic and contributory approach in all the countries where the mining and metallurgical group is present.

Manganese, nickel, mineral sands, lithium, and cobalt: Eramet recovers and develops metals that are essential to the construction of a more sustainable world.

As a privileged partner of its industrial clients, the Group contributes to making robust and resistant infrastructures and constructions, more efficient means of mobility, safer health tools and more efficient telecommunications devices.

Fully committed to the era of metals, Eramet’s ambition is to become a reference for the responsible transformation of the Earth’s mineral resources for living well together.


Director of Investor Relations

Sandrine Nourry-Dabi
Tel. +33 1 45 38 37 02




Media Relations

Fanny Mounier

Tel. + 33 7 65 26 46 83


Image 7

Marie Artzner
Tel. +33 1 53 70 74 31 | Mob. +33 6 75 74 31 73



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PR Eramet - Eramet in Gabon rail freight resumes this evening and mining resumes tomorrow morning