5th Annual National Pet Bird Day Celebrates the Joys and Benefits of Owning a Companion Bird

Created by the Bird Enjoyment & Advantage Koalition (BEAK), National Pet Bird Day is held on September 17 each year.

Riverside, Calif., Sept. 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On September 17, 2023, pet bird owners and lovers in the United States and beyond will celebrate the 5th Annual National Pet Bird Day. Established in 2019 by the Bird Enjoyment & Advantage Koalition (BEAK) – a group of bird product manufacturers and associations formed to address the need for responsible bird ownership and growth – this special day honors the many ways in which pet birds enrich their owners’ lives, while also educating the public about the responsibilities and commitments that come with having a companion bird.

“Birds are amazing companion animals and are actually very connected to their owners,” said Brent Weinmann, BEAK Chairman. “National Pet Bird Day serves as a day to celebrate all the benefits that pet birds bring to our lives, educate on responsible bird ownership and encourage others to consider adding a feathered family member to their flock.”

For those interested in joining the National Pet Bird Day festivities, BEAK offers several options through its public-facing marketing campaign, MyRightBird. For instance, the organization is pleased to be sponsoring a contest for the second year in a row. With a theme of “My Beautiful Pet Bird,” the contest invited bird owners to submit a photo or short video by August 14 showcasing what makes their pets so special. From August 17 through September 13, people have a chance to vote for their favorite entries; a committee of judges will then select three winners from the top ten entries as determined by popular vote. Winners will be announced during a Facebook Live event on September 17 at 1 p.m. EDT, with first place receiving a $500 cash prize, second place receiving $250 and third place receiving $100.

In addition to announcing the contest winners, the Facebook Live event will feature an interview with two renowned pet bird specialists – Dr. Kemba Marshall, DVM, DABVP (Avian) and Barry Wisebram – who will share a variety of tips related to bird care and health. The event will also include an interactive Q&A session, as well as a segment that was pre-recorded at Barry’s ranch, where he showcases his vast selection of pet birds ranging from macaws to toucans to waterfowl and much more. Bird owners around the world are invited to tune into this fun and informative event.

As National Pet Bird Day approaches, bird owners should also watch for special offers from the bird product retailers and manufacturers that comprise BEAK; these offers will be highlighted in MyRightBird’s email campaigns and social media channels. Additionally, a trove of adorable, National Pet Bird Day-themed social media posts and graphics are available for free download at https://myrightbird.com/national-pet-bird-day. Bird owners and lovers are encouraged to join in the fun by sharing these posts, as well as stories, photos and videos of their pets, on social media using the hashtag #NationalPetBirdDay.

Follow @MyBird on Facebook or @MyRightBird on Instagram for the latest on National Pet Bird Day contest information, special offers, pet bird tips and more! To learn more about BEAK and MyRightBird, visit https://myrightbird.com.



National Pet Bird Day National Pet Bird Day - September 17
