Volumetric Soil Moisture Sensor Market [+USD 291.5 Mn]: Unearthing the Future of Precision Agriculture", 2023-2032

Advancing technology is fueling the creation of precise, dependable, and affordable soil moisture sensors, widening their accessibility and appeal. This progress boosts data accuracy, trustworthiness, and affordability, driving greater adoption across various industries and applications.

New York, Sept. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- According to Market.us, the Global Hvolumetric Soil Moisture Sensor Market Size Global Report is expected to go beyond about USD 291.5 Million by 2032. Additionally, it's predicted to grow at an average rate (CAGR) of 10.9% from 2023 to 2032.

A volumetric soil moisture sensor serves as a tool for gauging the quantity of water within the soil, focusing on the volume of water per the soil's volume. Its role encompasses furnishing valuable insights into the soil's water content, proving beneficial for individuals such as farmers, gardeners, researchers, and irrigation systems. The data obtained aids in making well-informed choices regarding water-related strategies and practices, with particular relevance for water management and irrigation decisions. This technology's significance extends to fostering sustainable approaches to resource utilization, while its applications encompass agriculture, research, and environmental monitoring.

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Volumetric Soil Moisture Sensor Market

Key Takeaway

  • By Sensor Type, the TDT sensor type segment held a major market share in 2022. They can provide information about soil moisture at different depths, helping users understand water distribution in the root zone
  • By Connectivity, the wireless connectivity segment held a major market share in 2022, due to its ease of installation, remote monitoring capabilities, scalability, data accessibility, and reduced interference risks.
  • By Application, the agriculture segment dominated the application segment by covering major revenue share in the market.
  • By Sales Channel, the direct sales segment dominated the market with the largest market share in 2022.
  • In 2022, North America dominated the market with the highest market share of 34.6%, due to this region serves as a center for innovation in agricultural technology.

Factors Affecting the Growth of the Volumetric Soil Moisture Sensor Market

  • Agricultural Practices: The need for efficient water management in agriculture, coupled with the adoption of precision farming techniques, is propelling the demand for soil moisture sensors. These sensors play a crucial role in optimizing irrigation practices to boost crop yield. By providing real-time information on soil moisture levels, they enable informed decisions regarding water distribution, ultimately leading to improved agricultural productivity.
  • Environmental Concerns: Growing environmental awareness and concerns about water scarcity are driving the adoption of soil moisture sensors. These sensors are utilized to minimize water waste and promote sustainable land management by providing insights into soil moisture levels. This supports informed decisions that align with water conservation efforts and environmentally friendly land usage practices.
  • Research and Development: Advancing technology is driving the development of highly accurate, reliable, and cost-effective soil moisture sensors. These innovations are expanding the market by making these sensors more accessible and appealing to a wider range of users. This progress enhances data precision, reliability, and affordability, leading to increased adoption across industries and applications.

Top Trends in Global Volumetric Soil Moisture Sensor Market

The global volumetric soil moisture sensor market is combining IoT technology and advanced data analytics. These sensors gather real-time data and transmit it through IoT networks, enabling farmers to access actionable insights about soil moisture levels. This data-centric precision agriculture trend continues, enhancing sensor capabilities and improving agricultural outcomes.

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Market Growth

The global volumetric soil moisture sensor market is experiencing strong growth due to factors like precision agriculture adoption, environmental awareness, and efficient water management needs. Technological advancements leading to accurate and cost-effective sensors have expanded applications beyond agriculture, including construction and hydrology. Regulatory support for sustainability also contributes. Integration of IoT and wireless communication enhances their value. With increasing awareness, versatile applications, and innovation, the market is set for significant expansion.

Regional Analysis

North America dominates the Global Volumetric Soil Moisture Sensor Market with a 34.6% revenue share. This region is a hub for agricultural technology innovation, with farmers and research organizations focusing on precision farming, technological advancements, and progressive agricultural methods. This analysis examines the region's market dynamics and trends, emphasizing the importance of precision farming and technological advancements in the industry.

Competitive Landscape

The competitive landscape of the market has also been examined in this report. Some of the major players include:

  • Sentek Pty Ltd
  • Irrometer Company
  • Campbell Scientific, Inc
  • Delta-T Devices
  • The Toro Company
  • Acclima
  • METER Group, Inc.
  • IMKO Micromodultechnik GmbH
  • Stevens Water Monitoring Systems
  • Other Key Players

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Scope of the Report

Report AttributesDetails
Market Value (2022)US$ 106.3 Million
Forecast Revenue 2032US$ 291.5 Million
CAGR (2023 to 2032)10.9%
North America Revenue Share34.6%
Base Year2022
Historic Period2016 to 2022
Forecast Year2023 to 2032

Market Drivers

The global market for volumetric soil moisture sensors is driven by precision agricultural techniques. These sensors provide real-time information on soil moisture levels, aiding farmers in irrigation systems, reducing water use and improving crop yields. The demand for ecologically friendly agriculture is increasing due to water scarcity and climate change. Advancements in sensor technology, wireless communication, and data processing enhance their effectiveness and usability, enabling seamless integration into modern farming methods.

Market Restraints

The global volumetric soil moisture sensor market faces challenges due to insufficient awareness and education among farmers about the advantages of these sensors, especially in developing regions. To address this gap, strategic initiatives must be implemented to educate and train farmers on the practical applications and advantages of incorporating volumetric soil moisture sensors into their agricultural practices.

Market Opportunities

Governments are promoting sustainable agricultural practices by incentivizing farmers to adopt water-efficient technologies like volumetric soil moisture sensors. Financial incentives, grants, and awareness campaigns can drive market expansion by amplifying sensor adoption rates and addressing environmental concerns.

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Report Segmentation of the Volumetric Soil Moisture Sensor Market

Sensor Type Analysis

TDT sensors are known for their high accuracy in measuring soil moisture content, making them suitable for research and precision agriculture. They can provide information about soil moisture at different depths, helping users understand water distribution in the root zone. However, Time Domain Refractometry (TDR) sensors are growing fast through the forecast period.

Connectivity Analysis

Wireless connectivity dominates the global volumetric soil moisture sensor market due to its ease of installation, remote monitoring, scalability, data accessibility, reduced interference risks, adaptability to IoT trends, relevance in precision agriculture, cost efficiency, and environmental advantages. This preference is driven by technology's ability to streamline implementation, offer remote data monitoring, ensure reliable transmission, and align with sustainable practices.

Application Analysis

The Global Volumetric Soil Moisture Sensor Market is divided into Forestry, Agriculture, Construction, and Other applications. Agriculture holds a significant revenue share of 57.4%. These sensors aid farmers in making informed decisions about planting seasons, harvest timings, and crop rotations. They also help farmers enhance water efficiency by applying water precisely at the right moments and locations. This leads to a more ecologically mindful and sustainable agricultural approach, minimizing water and energy usage.

Sales Channel Analysis

Direct sales dominate sales channels, accounting for 41.3% of the market during the forecast period. Manufacturers of volumetric soil moisture sensors connect with end-users, such as farmers, agricultural cooperatives, research institutions, and industrial clients. This allows for customized solutions, addressing specific needs and challenges, and leveraging established brands' reputations to foster customer loyalty and confidence.

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Market Segmentation

By Type

  • Time Domain Refractometry (TDR) sensor
  • Frequency Domain Refractometry (FDR) sensors
  • Time Domain Transmissiometry (TDT) sensors

By Connectivity

  • Wired
  • Wireless

By Application

  • Forestry
  • Agriculture
  • Construction
  • Other Applications

By Sales Channel

  • Direct Sales
  • Online Retail
  • Brick-and-Mortar Retail
  • Distributors and Dealers

By Geography

  • North America
    • The US
    • Canada
  • Europe
    • Germany
    • France
    • The UK
    • Spain
    • Italy
    • Russia & CIS
    • Rest of Europe
  • APAC
    • China
    • Japan
    • South Korea
    • India
    • Rest of APAC
  • Latin America
    • Brazil
    • Mexico
    • Rest of Latin America
  • Middle East & Africa
    • GCC
    • South Africa
    • Rest of MEA

Recent Developments

  • In October 2021, Sentek released the widely accessible Sentek Connect (Android) and Sentek Drill & Drop Connect (iOS) apps.
  • The data retrieved with this software and our Drill & Drop Bluetooth Probes is immediately viewable on IrriMAX Live. With today’s cable-free connectivity, unlock immediate soil insights.

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