Zylö’s ‘Powered By Z-pod’ Technology Featured in Peer-Reviewed Paper Published in Experimental Dermatology

Z-pods significantly improved outcomes in mouse model of cutaneous lupus

GREENVILLE, SC, Sept. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Z-pod® topical delivery platform was used in various in vivo studies that were highlighted in a peer-reviewed paper just published online by Experimental Dermatology titled, “Nano-encapsulated anandamide (AEA) reduces inflammatory cytokines in vitro and lesion severity in a murine model of cutaneous lupus erythematosus [CLE].”

In these studies, AEA—a primary endocannabinoid that has been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects—was loaded into Zylö’s proprietary Z-pod drug-delivery system and used as follows:

(i) in an in vivo skin-penetration study in mice that showed dramatic improvements—at the 1-hour, 8-hour, and 24-hour timepoints—with regard to: (a) AEA penetration into the dermis and (b) persistence of AEA in the follicle base

(ii) in a prophylactic CLE study conducted at Albert Einstein College of Medicine (AECOM) that demonstrated significantly reduced lupus-lesion severity and significantly decreased presence of inflammatory markers as compared to the no-treatment group and a control group of unloaded Z-pods

(iii) in an interventional study conducted by Jackson Laboratory, an independent contract research organization, that demonstrated significantly reduced lupus-lesion severity as compared to the no-treatment group (p<0.0001) and to the AEA without Z-pods (p<0.01); the study also demonstrated significant improvement in tissue histology scores (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively).

Zylö’s head of product development, Andrew Draganski PhD, was an author of the paper, prepared all the Z-pod test preparations, and helped in the design of some of the studies. His colleagues at George Washington University (GWU) and AECOM wrote the paper, designed the studies, and performed some of the studies. Included in the list of authors were Joel Friedman MD PhD, professor at AECOM, and Adam Friedman MD, professor and chair of dermatology at GWU, both of whom are scientific co-founders of Zylö and continue on Zylö’s Scientific Advisory Board. In addition, Victoria Werth MD, professor at U. of Pennsylvania and chief of dermatology at VA Medical Center in Philadelphia, was acknowledged for her interpretation of the results and the significance to human CLE. Dr. Werth is one of the world’s foremost authorities on cutaneous lupus.

Approximately 500,000 people in the U.S. suffer from cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE), with a significant impact on quality of life. Unfortunately, there is no cure and the treatment options are severely limited.

Dr. A. Friedman stated, “Cutaneous lupus is a burdensome, deforming, sun-sensitive, chronic inflammatory skin condition, one that can be independent of—or in conjunction with—systemic lupus and one that has an incredible impact on quality of life. Yet, there are no FDA-approved treatments for cutaneous lupus. The Z-pod platform technology is unique in that it sustainably delivers a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent that has a proven impact on disease underpinnings and on biological activity, which translates into impressive clinical outcomes in an animal model. Moreover, the technology enables the use of a novel active ingredient that otherwise would not be an effective tool in managing this disease. Patients suffering from cutaneous lupus need effective and safe treatment options to be made available for the first time.”

Zylö was recently awarded a two-year $294,000 Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) grant to advance this AEA-Z-pod program. The principal investigator of the grant-work is Zylö’s A. Draganski, and the primary collaborator is Dr. Werth.

About Zylö Therapeutics: Zylö is commercializing the ‘Powered by Z-pod®’ technology platform, a disruptive topical delivery system that extends duration of effect, improves targeting, and enhances product performance of many therapeutic and cosmetic agents. Notably, the Z-pod technology can also be adapted to provide sustained topical delivery of nitric oxide for multiple therapeutic indications. For more details, please visit our website, www.zylotherapeutics.com, and follow us on Twitter (@ZyloTherapies).

For questions, please contact:

Scott R. Pancoast
CEO + Founder

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