Nostalgia Wraps Up Their Newest Last Minute Holiday Giftable Selection to Put a Smile on Everyone’s Face

Green Bay, Wisconsin, Dec. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

Christmas is right around the corner, and it’s a hectic time of wrapping up gifts, preparing holiday recipes, and getting ready for parties. With all that’s happening, you might realize there’s still one person you have yet to wrap a gift for. Days are flying by, which doesn’t help when trying to think of the perfect gift to get. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there!  

Luckily, Nostalgia is here to save the day, as they are offering a sleighful of last-minute giftable items on Amazon  Each appliance offers a fun and novel food-making experience that’s suitable for everyone. Here are just a few to choose from: 

Spinning Crepe Art Maker: Help your giftee to embrace their inner culinary artist! This gift puts a unique spin on crepe cooking; its 360° spinning-griddle surface allows you to make fun, swirly designs. 

Fondue Pot: Make 12 cups of fondue, from savory cheese fondues to mouthwatering chocolate desserts, and keep parties entertained while using the 8 color-coded forks for dipping and serving.  

Fondue Party Set: More fondue? Yes, please! This 10 oz fondue pot comes with a 3-section tray to serve dippable foods like strawberries, marshmallows, bread chunks, and more. A party pleaser, it provides delectable hors d'oeuvres. 

Popcorn Cart: Gift your family and friends an at-home theatre experience with a Nostalgia Popcorn Cart. The stainless-steel kettle pops up to 32 cups of hot, crunchy popcorn, a delicious snack for movie night. 

Snow Pro Ice Shaver: This gift creates shaved ice perfect for snow cones. It includes 4 reusable cones with side shelves for making snow cones that let you or your giftee make snow cones like a pro. 

2 Quart Ice Cream Maker: Everyone loves ice cream. If you know someone who likes to do things DIY, why not gift them an at-home ice cream maker? It can make many different flavors, from vanilla to cookies n’ cream using ingredients or Nostalgia ice cream packs.  

These options will help ease some of the holiday-time stress for last-minute gift shopping by providing easy choices that are sure to bring many smiles. They’re priced affordably, so gift shoppers don’t have to worry about going over budget with their purchases. Check out Amazon or for these items and more. 

