Company Announcement No. 1077

This Company Announcement is a correction to Company Announcement No. 1076. The correction in this announcement solely concerns the split of shareholdings between subsidiaries of Agility prior to 8 December 2023. The total shareholding of Agility before and after 8 December and the shareholdings as of 8 December 2023 are unchanged.

Pursuant to section 38 of the Danish Capital Markets Act and Section 55 of the Danish Companies Act, we hereby announce that Agility Public Warehousing Company KSCP (Agility) has informed DSV that as a result of an internal group reorganisation, Agility’s holding of shares in DSV A/S has changed between wholly owned indirect subsidiaries of Agility as follows:

SubsidiaryHolding of shares in DSV A/S previouslyHolding of shares in DSV A/S as of 8 December 2023Company structure
Agility Investment
9,304,3483,304,348Wholly owned indirect subsidiary
Agility Strategies
Holding I Limited
10,000,00016,000,000Wholly owned indirect subsidiary
Agility total direct or indirect holding19,304,34819,304,348Parent company

Agility’s total ownership of DSV A/S is unchanged. As of 8 December 2023, Agility directly or indirectly holds 19,304,348 shares in DSV A/S, corresponding to 8.81% of the entire share capital and voting rights in DSV.

Investor Relations: Flemming Ole Nielsen, tel. +45 43 20 33 92, flemming.o.nielsen@dsv.com

Yours sincerely,


Pièces jointes

1077 - Announcement (13.12.2023) - Major shareholder announcement correction