Pastor Dino Rizzo, Executive Director of ARC Churches, Announces Latest UNSCRIPTED Episode with Jeff Little

Pastor Dino Rizzo, the executive director of ARC Churches, hosts Pastor Jeff Little of Milestone Church for a recent episode of the UNSCRIPTED web series, discussing how the church has thrived over its 20 years of existence.

BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Dec. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dino Rizzo, the executive director of ARC Churches, hosted Pastor Jeff Little of Milestone Church for the latest episode of the UNSCRIPTED web series.

During the episode, the two men toured the facilities of Milestone Church, which just celebrated 20 years in operation last fall. They also discussed how pastoring has evolved throughout those many seasons and the importance of relationships and being authentic rather than being polished in your messaging.

As Pastor Jeff Little said to Dino Rizzo: “You can go to a small church that feels cold or a big church that feels cold. It’s really about culture.”

One of the things that has helped Milestone Church stand out and thrive all these years is that it’s sort of like a fusion restaurant, Jeff says. The church blends things that aren’t typically found together.

As Jeff tells Dino Rizzo, the people who attend Milestone Church appreciate the excellence and intentionality to serve them, but they’re also surprised by how authentic the experience is and how much the church feels like family.

And despite how much Milestone Church has grown over the years, it’s been able to maintain the relational connections it’s established.

During the UNSCRIPTED episode, Dino Rizzo and Jeff Little also discussed how he’s been able to instill value in each member of the church since the beginning, the miracle story behind the property the church acquired, how pastors can not be intimated by the next generation and also make space for the gifts they have, and how to maintain the spirit and culture that brought you to the new levels of growth.

Throughout the UNSCRIPTED series, Dino Rizzo visits exceptional church leaders and pastors for honest sit-down conversations. All episodes are completely honest, genuine, and unscripted conversations between Dino Rizzo and his guests.

The web series helps to expand the overall mission of ARC (Association of Related Churches) to support independent churches around the country in their aims to spread the word of Jesus.

ARC provides the financial and training support that these new church planters need to not only survive but thrive.

More information on ARC (Association of Related Churches) can be found on its website,

To watch the first episode of the second season of the UNSCRIPTED series featuring Dino Rizzo and Jeff Little of Milestone Church, visit ARC’s YouTube page.

About Dino Rizzo

Dino Rizzo, a seasoned pastor with 35 years of ministry experience, co-founded Healing Place Church in 1993 with his wife, DeLynn, and served for over two decades as senior pastor. A strong believer in inspiring others to serve their communities, Dino Rizzo founded the organization “Servolution.” He’s co-founder and Executive Director of ARC (Association of Related Churches), overseeing 1000+ church plants worldwide while also serving on the Senior Leadership Team at Church of the Highlands.

About ARC (Association of Related Churches)

ARC (Association of Related Churches) represents a collaborative network comprising independent congregations from various denominations, networks, and backgrounds. Its primary mission is to provide essential support and resources to church planters and pastors, enabling them to effectively share the teachings of Jesus. ARC's operational approach revolves around empowering and equipping church leaders, fostering the widespread dissemination of the life-changing message of Jesus. Established in 2000, ARC has evolved into a worldwide entity and has played a pivotal role in facilitating the establishment of over 1,000 new churches.

