Monthly disclosure of the total number
of voting rights and shares composing the share capital
Articles L. 233-8-II of the French Commercial Code and 223-16 of the General Regulation of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers
Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, February 7, 2024
Date | Total number of shares | Theoretical total number of voting rights1 | Net total number of voting rights2 |
January 31, 2024 | 37,078,357 | 37,078,357 | 36,953,072 |
Investor Relations Contact / + 33 1 30 23 20 87
1 Calculated on the basis of all the shares to which voting rights are attached, including shares stripped of voting rights (pursuant to article 223-11 of the General Regulation of the Autorité des marchés financiers).
2 Excluding treasury shares