Empowering Global Investors in Geneva with CS Global Partners

London, March 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Unlock global Citizenship and Residency Investments with CS Global Partners by attending an exclusive event that will take place in Geneva on 12 March 2024. 

Your host, CS Global Partners, will present key information on investment migration for the Geneva financial advisory community. A citizenship or residency solution is imperative for a family office or wealth advisor to be able to offer to their clients.   

This exclusive event will provide invaluable insights and guidance in exploring citizenship, permanent residency, or investment migration opportunities in thriving international markets. 

There will be feature keynote speeches, panel discussions and networking sessions, providing attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the benefits and intricacies of Citizenship and Residency Investment programmes in Europe and around the world. 

Join us at Fairmont, Mont Blanc, Geneva from 8AM - 11AM and take the first step towards unlocking global investment opportunities.  

Please RSVP by 8 March 2024, by clicking here or contact us at events@csglobalpartners.com for more information. 

About CS Global Partners 

CS Global Partners, headquartered in Mayfair, London, specialises in tailored citizenship and residency solutions for HNWIs and families worldwide. Established in London in 2012, we are committed to excellence and confidentiality with our clients. 

Our multilingual team delivers transformative Citizenship and Residency by Investment options, fostering economic growth, stability, and security. We provide expert advice that attracts significant foreign direct investment through ethical means.  

We are dedicated to safeguarding the integrity of these programmes which is evident in our educational initiatives and strategic promotion aimed at enhancing transparency and investor confidence, supporting sustainable economic growth. 


CS Global Partners Investment Migration Event
