SAN ANTONIO, May 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Abstracts being presented at the American Urological Association's Annual Meeting show the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) can be inherited using a polygenic risk score and nocturia can be correlated with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
Researchers will present their study findings covering important updates on sexual function in San Antonio, TX, from May 3 to 6. Charles Welliver, MD, director of men’s health in the Division of Urology at Albany Medical College, moderated a virtual press session with the abstract authors, providing key insights into their research.
“In this panel we talk about very common problems that affect all men and women throughout the United States,” said Dr. Welliver “We look at a variety of high yield interesting questions about both prostate cancer prevention to dementia risks associated with medications.”
The following abstracts are covered in the moderated panel:
- The Association Between 5-ALPHA Reductase Inhibitors and Prostate Cancer Mortality
- Long-term Dementia Risk with Use of Anticholinergic versus Beta-3-Agonist Pharmacotherapy for Overactive Bladder
- Does Activity Level Modulate the Genetic Risk of BPH? A Cohort Study From The UK Biobank
- How Nocturia Can Help a Urologist Diagnose a Sleep Disorder
A recording of the panel discussion is available to all press registrants. Fill out the registration form on the website to be added to the virtual programming:
NOTE TO REPORTERS: Presenting authors and moderators are available to discuss their findings. To arrange an interview with an expert, please contact the AUA Communications Team at
About the American Urological Association: Founded in 1902 and headquartered near Baltimore, Maryland, the American Urological Association is a leading advocate for the specialty of urology and has nearly 25,000 members throughout the world. The AUA is a premier urologic association, providing invaluable support to the urologic community as it pursues its mission of fostering the highest standards of urologic care through education, research and the formulation of health policy.