DALLAS, Texas, May 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Associa’s family of Texas branches believes that an educated homeowners’ association (HOA) board is a successful board. That’s why they’re hosting a free virtual webinar to help experienced and new community board members better understand how lifestyle services help create more vibrant and engaging communities. The webinar, which is open to current and prospective clients, will equip attendees with the resources, skills, and training they need to make educated decisions that best serve their community and homeowners.
As a national director of lifestyle services with over 20 years of experience, Monica has the expertise to explain how improving lifestyle opportunities and amenities can impact community living. Attendees will get insight on how to manage and elevate the quality of life in their communities more effectively. An open-forum question-and-answer session will immediately follow the presentation.
What: Free Virtual Board Training Webinar
Lifestyle & Community Engagement:
How Community Engagement Can Positively Impact Your Community.
Who: Monica Hollins, National Director of Lifestyle Services - Associa
When: Wednesday, May 22, from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. CST
Where: To RSVP for this free virtual event, please click here.
About Associa
With more than 300 branch offices across North America, Associa is building the future of community for more than 7.5 million residents worldwide. Our 15,000+ team members lead the industry with unrivaled education, expertise, and trailblazing innovation. For more than 45 years, Associa has brought positive impact and meaningful value to communities. To learn more, visit www.associaonline.com.
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